2023-10-23 10:46:53 +02:00

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# n8n-nodes-_node-name_
This is an n8n community node. It lets you use _app/service name_ in your n8n workflows.
_App/service name_ is _one or two sentences describing the service this node integrates with_.
[n8n](https://n8n.io/) is a [fair-code licensed](https://docs.n8n.io/reference/license/) workflow automation platform.
[Credentials](#credentials) <!-- delete if no auth needed -->
[Usage](#usage) <!-- delete if not using this section -->
[Version history](#version-history) <!-- delete if not using this section -->
## Installation
Follow the [installation guide](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/community-nodes/installation/) in the n8n community nodes documentation.
## Operations
_List the operations supported by your node._
## Credentials
_If users need to authenticate with the app/service, provide details here. You should include prerequisites (such as signing up with the service), available authentication methods, and how to set them up._
## Compatibility
_State the minimum n8n version, as well as which versions you test against. You can also include any known version incompatibility issues._
## Usage
_This is an optional section. Use it to help users with any difficult or confusing aspects of the node._
_By the time users are looking for community nodes, they probably already know n8n basics. But if you expect new users, you can link to the [Try it out](https://docs.n8n.io/try-it-out/) documentation to help them get started._
## Resources
* [n8n community nodes documentation](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/community-nodes/)
* _Link to app/service documentation._
## Version history
_This is another optional section. If your node has multiple versions, include a short description of available versions and what changed, as well as any compatibility impact._