fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.93.0 #3859

konrad merged 4 commits from renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo into main 2024-01-10 16:01:07 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@sentry/tracing (source) dependencies minor 7.88.0 -> 7.93.0
@sentry/vue (source) dependencies minor 7.88.0 -> 7.93.0

Release Notes

getsentry/sentry-javascript (@​sentry/tracing)


Compare Source

Important Changes

As we're moving closer to the next major version of the SDK, more public APIs were deprecated.

To get a head start on migrating to the replacement APIs, please take a look at our
migration guide.

  • feat(core): Deprecate getActiveTransaction() & scope.getTransaction() (#​10098)
  • feat(core): Deprecate Hub.shouldSendDefaultPii (#​10062)
  • feat(core): Deprecate new Transaction() (#​10125)
  • feat(core): Deprecate scope.getSpan() & scope.setSpan() (#​10114)
  • feat(core): Deprecate scope.setTransactionName() (#​10113)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span.startChild() (#​10091)
  • feat(core): Deprecate startTransaction() (#​10073)
  • feat(core): Deprecate Transaction.getDynamicSamplingContext in favor of getDynamicSamplingContextFromSpan (#​10094)
  • feat(core): Deprecate arguments for startSpan() (#​10101)
  • feat(core): Deprecate hub capture APIs and add them to Scope (#​10039)
  • feat(core): Deprecate session APIs on hub and add global replacements (#​10054)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span name and description (#​10056)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span tags, data, context & setters (#​10053)
  • feat(core): Deprecate transaction metadata in favor of attributes (#​10097)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span.sampled in favor of span.isRecording() (#​10034)
  • ref(node-experimental): Deprecate lastEventId on scope (#​10093)
Cron Monitoring Support for node-schedule library

This release adds auto instrumented check-ins for the node-schedule library.

import * as Sentry from '@​sentry/node';
import * as schedule from 'node-schedule';

const scheduleWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentNodeSchedule(schedule);

const job = scheduleWithCheckIn.scheduleJob('my-cron-job', '* * * * *', () => {
  console.log('You will see this message every minute');
  • feat(node): Instrumentation for node-schedule library (#​10086)
Other Changes
  • feat(core): Add span.spanContext() (#​10037)
  • feat(core): Add spanToJSON() method to get span properties (#​10074)
  • feat(core): Allow to pass scope to startSpan APIs (#​10076)
  • feat(core): Allow to pass start/end timestamp for spans flexibly (#​10060)
  • feat(node): Make getModuleFromFilename compatible with ESM (#​10061)
  • feat(replay): Update rrweb to 2.7.3 (#​10072)
  • feat(utils): Add parameterize function (#​9145)
  • fix(astro): Use correct package name for CF (#​10099)
  • fix(core): Do not run setup for integration on client multiple times (#​10116)
  • fix(core): Ensure we copy passed in span data/tags/attributes (#​10105)
  • fix(cron): Make name required for instrumentNodeCron option (#​10070)
  • fix(nextjs): Don't capture not-found and redirect errors in generation functions (#​10057)
  • fix(node): LocalVariables integration should have correct name (#​10084)
  • fix(node): Anr events should have an event_id (#​10068)
  • fix(node): Revert to only use sync debugger for LocalVariables (#​10077)
  • fix(node): Update ANR min node version to v16.17.0 (#​10107)


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • feat(core): Add span.updateName() and deprecate span.setName() (#​10018)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span.getTraceContext() (#​10032)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span.toTraceparent() in favor of spanToTraceHeader() util (#​10031)
  • feat(core): Deprecate trace in favor of startSpan (#​10012)
  • feat(core): Deprecate span toContext() and updateWithContext() (#​10030)
  • ref: Deprecate deepReadDirSync (#​10016)
  • ref: Deprecate lastEventId() (#​10043)

Please take a look at the Migration docs for more details. These methods will be removed in the
upcoming v8 major release.

Cron Monitoring Support for cron and node-cron libraries
  • feat(node): Instrumentation for cron library (#​9999)
  • feat(node): Instrumentation for node-cron library (#​9904)

This release adds instrumentation for the cron and node-cron libraries. This allows you to monitor your cron jobs
with Sentry cron monitors.

For cron:

import * as Sentry from '@​sentry/node';
import { CronJob } from 'cron';

const CronJobWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentCron(CronJob, 'my-cron-job');

// use the constructor
const job = new CronJobWithCheckIn('* * * * *', () => {
  console.log('You will see this message every minute');

// or from
const job = CronJobWithCheckIn.from({
  cronTime: '* * * * *',
  onTick: () => {
    console.log('You will see this message every minute');

For node-cron:

import * as Sentry from '@​sentry/node';
import cron from 'node-cron';

const cronWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentNodeCron(cron);

  '* * * * *',
  () => {
    console.log('running a task every minute');
  { name: 'my-cron-job' },
Other Changes
  • feat(astro): Add enabled option to Astro integration options (#​10007)
  • feat(core): Add attributes to Span (#​10008)
  • feat(core): Add setClient() and getClient() to Scope (#​10055)
  • feat(integrations): Capture error cause with captureErrorCause in ExtraErrorData integration (#​9914)
  • feat(node-experimental): Allow to pass base span options to trace methods (#​10006)
  • feat(node): Local variables via async inspector in node 19+ (#​9962)
  • fix(astro): handle commonjs related issues (#​10042)
  • fix(astro): Handle non-utf8 encoded streams in middleware (#​9989)
  • fix(astro): prevent sentry from externalized (#​9994)
  • fix(core): Ensure withScope sets current scope correctly with async callbacks (#​9974)
  • fix(node): ANR fixes and additions (#​9998)
  • fix(node): Anr should not block exit (#​10035)
  • fix(node): Correctly resolve module name (#​10001)
  • fix(node): Handle inspector already open (#​10025)
  • fix(node): Make NODE_VERSION properties required (#​9964)
  • fix(node): Anr doesn't block exit (#​10064)
  • fix(utils): use correct typeof URL validation (#​10028)
  • perf(astro): reduce unnecessary path resolutions (#​10021)
  • ref(astro): Use astro logger instead of console (#​9995)
  • ref(remix): Isolate Express instrumentation from server auto-instrumentation. (#​9966)

Work in this release contributed by @​joshkel. Thank you for your contribution!


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • feat: Add server runtime metrics aggregator (#​9894)

The release adds alpha support for Sentry developer metrics in the server runtime SDKs (@sentry/node, @sentry/deno, @sentry/nextjs server-side, etc.). Via the newly introduced APIs, you can now flush metrics directly to Sentry.

To enable capturing metrics, you first need to add the metricsAggregator experiment to your Sentry.init call.

  dsn: '__DSN__',
  _experiments: {
    metricsAggregator: true,

Then you'll be able to add counters, sets, distributions, and gauges under the Sentry.metrics namespace.

// Add 4 to a counter named `hits`
Sentry.metrics.increment('hits', 4);

// Add 2 to gauge named `parallel_requests`, tagged with `type: "a"`
Sentry.metrics.gauge('parallel_requests', 2, { tags: { type: 'a' } });

// Add 4.6 to a distribution named `response_time` with unit seconds
Sentry.metrics.distribution('response_time', 4.6, { unit: 'seconds' });

// Add 2 to a set named `valuable.ids`
Sentry.metrics.set('valuable.ids', 2);
  • feat(node): Rework ANR to use worker script via an integration (#​9945)

The ANR tracking integration for Node has been reworked to use an integration. ANR tracking now requires a minimum Node version of 16 or higher. Previously you had to call Sentry.enableANRDetection before running your application, now you can simply add the Anr integration to your Sentry.init call.

import * as Sentry from '@​sentry/node';

  dsn: '',
  integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.Anr({ captureStackTrace: true, anrThreshold: 200 })],
Other Changes
  • feat(breadcrumbs): Send component names on UI breadcrumbs (#​9946)
  • feat(core): Add getGlobalScope() method (#​9920)
  • feat(core): Add getIsolationScope() method (#​9957)
  • feat(core): Add span.end() to replace span.finish() (#​9954)
  • feat(core): Ensure startSpan & startSpanManual fork scope (#​9955)
  • feat(react): Send component name on spans (#​9949)
  • feat(replay): Send component names in replay breadcrumbs (#​9947)
  • feat(sveltekit): Add options to configure fetch instrumentation script for CSP (#​9969)
  • feat(tracing): Send component name on interaction spans (#​9948)
  • feat(utils): Add function to extract relevant component name (#​9921)
  • fix(core): Rethrow caught promise rejections in startSpan, startSpanManual, trace (#​9958)


Compare Source

  • feat(replay): Change to use preset quality values (#​9903)
  • fix(replay): Adjust development hydration error messages (#​9922)
  • fix(sveltekit): Add types field to package.json exports (#​9926)


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • feat(core): Deprecate configureScope (#​9887)
  • feat(core): Deprecate pushScope & popScope (#​9890)

This release deprecates configureScope, pushScope, and popScope, which will be removed in the upcoming v8 major release.

Hapi Integration
  • feat(node): Add Hapi Integration (#​9539)

This release adds an integration for Hapi. It can be used as follows:

const Sentry = require('@​sentry/node');
const Hapi = require('@​hapi/hapi');

const init = async () => {
    const server = Hapi.server({
      // your server configuration ...

      dsn: '__DSN__',
      tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
      integrations: [
        new Sentry.Integrations.Hapi({ server }),

      // your route configuration ...

    await server.start();
SvelteKit 2.0
  • chore(sveltekit): Add SvelteKit 2.0 to peer dependencies (#​9861)

This release adds support for SvelteKit 2.0 in the @sentry/sveltekit package. If you're upgrading from SvelteKit 1.x to 2.x and already use the Sentry SvelteKit SDK, no changes apart from upgrading to this (or a newer) version are necessary.

Other Changes
  • feat(core): Add type & utility for function-based integrations (#​9818)
  • feat(core): Update withScope to return callback return value (#​9866)
  • feat(deno): Support Deno.CronSchedule for cron jobs (#​9880)
  • feat(nextjs): Auto instrument generation functions (#​9781)
  • feat(nextjs): Connect server component transactions if there is no incoming trace (#​9845)
  • feat(node-experimental): Update to new Scope APIs (#​9799)
  • feat(replay): Add canvas.type setting (#​9877)
  • fix(nextjs): Export createReduxEnhancer (#​9854)
  • fix(remix): Do not capture thrown redirect responses. (#​9909)
  • fix(sveltekit): Add conditional exports (#​9872)
  • fix(sveltekit): Avoid capturing 404 errors on client side (#​9902)
  • fix(utils): Do not use Event type in worldwide (#​9864)
  • fix(utils): Support crypto.getRandomValues in old Chromium versions (#​9251)
  • fix(utils): Update eventFromUnknownInput to avoid scope pollution & getCurrentHub (#​9868)
  • ref: Use addBreadcrumb directly & allow to pass hint (#​9867)

Work in this release contributed by @​adam187, and @​jghinestrosa. Thank you for your contributions!


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@sentry/tracing]( ([source]( | dependencies | minor | [`7.88.0` -> `7.93.0`]( | | [@sentry/vue]( ([source]( | dependencies | minor | [`7.88.0` -> `7.93.0`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>getsentry/sentry-javascript (@&#8203;sentry/tracing)</summary> ### [`v7.93.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes ##### Deprecations As we're moving closer to the next major version of the SDK, more public APIs were deprecated. To get a head start on migrating to the replacement APIs, please take a look at our [migration guide]( - feat(core): Deprecate `getActiveTransaction()` & `scope.getTransaction()` ([#&#8203;10098]( - feat(core): Deprecate `Hub.shouldSendDefaultPii` ([#&#8203;10062]( - feat(core): Deprecate `new Transaction()` ([#&#8203;10125]( - feat(core): Deprecate `scope.getSpan()` & `scope.setSpan()` ([#&#8203;10114]( - feat(core): Deprecate `scope.setTransactionName()` ([#&#8203;10113]( - feat(core): Deprecate `span.startChild()` ([#&#8203;10091]( - feat(core): Deprecate `startTransaction()` ([#&#8203;10073]( - feat(core): Deprecate `Transaction.getDynamicSamplingContext` in favor of `getDynamicSamplingContextFromSpan` ([#&#8203;10094]( - feat(core): Deprecate arguments for `startSpan()` ([#&#8203;10101]( - feat(core): Deprecate hub capture APIs and add them to `Scope` ([#&#8203;10039]( - feat(core): Deprecate session APIs on hub and add global replacements ([#&#8203;10054]( - feat(core): Deprecate span `name` and `description` ([#&#8203;10056]( - feat(core): Deprecate span `tags`, `data`, `context` & setters ([#&#8203;10053]( - feat(core): Deprecate transaction metadata in favor of attributes ([#&#8203;10097]( - feat(core): Deprecate `span.sampled` in favor of `span.isRecording()` ([#&#8203;10034]( - ref(node-experimental): Deprecate `lastEventId` on scope ([#&#8203;10093]( ##### Cron Monitoring Support for `node-schedule` library This release adds auto instrumented check-ins for the `node-schedule` library. ```ts import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/node'; import * as schedule from 'node-schedule'; const scheduleWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentNodeSchedule(schedule); const job = scheduleWithCheckIn.scheduleJob('my-cron-job', '* * * * *', () => { console.log('You will see this message every minute'); }); ``` - feat(node): Instrumentation for `node-schedule` library ([#&#8203;10086]( ##### Other Changes - feat(core): Add `span.spanContext()` ([#&#8203;10037]( - feat(core): Add `spanToJSON()` method to get span properties ([#&#8203;10074]( - feat(core): Allow to pass `scope` to `startSpan` APIs ([#&#8203;10076]( - feat(core): Allow to pass start/end timestamp for spans flexibly ([#&#8203;10060]( - feat(node): Make `getModuleFromFilename` compatible with ESM ([#&#8203;10061]( - feat(replay): Update rrweb to 2.7.3 ([#&#8203;10072]( - feat(utils): Add `parameterize` function ([#&#8203;9145]( - fix(astro): Use correct package name for CF ([#&#8203;10099]( - fix(core): Do not run `setup` for integration on client multiple times ([#&#8203;10116]( - fix(core): Ensure we copy passed in span data/tags/attributes ([#&#8203;10105]( - fix(cron): Make name required for instrumentNodeCron option ([#&#8203;10070]( - fix(nextjs): Don't capture not-found and redirect errors in generation functions ([#&#8203;10057]( - fix(node): `LocalVariables` integration should have correct name ([#&#8203;10084]( - fix(node): Anr events should have an `event_id` ([#&#8203;10068]( - fix(node): Revert to only use sync debugger for `LocalVariables` ([#&#8203;10077]( - fix(node): Update ANR min node version to v16.17.0 ([#&#8203;10107]( ### [`v7.92.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes ##### Deprecations - feat(core): Add `span.updateName()` and deprecate `span.setName()` ([#&#8203;10018]( - feat(core): Deprecate `span.getTraceContext()` ([#&#8203;10032]( - feat(core): Deprecate `span.toTraceparent()` in favor of `spanToTraceHeader()` util ([#&#8203;10031]( - feat(core): Deprecate `trace` in favor of `startSpan` ([#&#8203;10012]( - feat(core): Deprecate span `toContext()` and `updateWithContext()` ([#&#8203;10030]( - ref: Deprecate `deepReadDirSync` ([#&#8203;10016]( - ref: Deprecate `lastEventId()` ([#&#8203;10043]( Please take a look at the [Migration docs](./ for more details. These methods will be removed in the upcoming [v8 major release]( ##### Cron Monitoring Support for `cron` and `node-cron` libraries - feat(node): Instrumentation for `cron` library ([#&#8203;9999]( - feat(node): Instrumentation for `node-cron` library ([#&#8203;9904]( This release adds instrumentation for the `cron` and `node-cron` libraries. This allows you to monitor your cron jobs with [Sentry cron monitors]( For [`cron`]( ```js import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/node'; import { CronJob } from 'cron'; const CronJobWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentCron(CronJob, 'my-cron-job'); // use the constructor const job = new CronJobWithCheckIn('* * * * *', () => { console.log('You will see this message every minute'); }); // or from const job = CronJobWithCheckIn.from({ cronTime: '* * * * *', onTick: () => { console.log('You will see this message every minute'); }, }); ``` For [`node-cron`]( ```js import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/node'; import cron from 'node-cron'; const cronWithCheckIn = Sentry.cron.instrumentNodeCron(cron); cronWithCheckIn.schedule( '* * * * *', () => { console.log('running a task every minute'); }, { name: 'my-cron-job' }, ); ``` ##### Other Changes - feat(astro): Add `enabled` option to Astro integration options ([#&#8203;10007]( - feat(core): Add `attributes` to `Span` ([#&#8203;10008]( - feat(core): Add `setClient()` and `getClient()` to `Scope` ([#&#8203;10055]( - feat(integrations): Capture error cause with `captureErrorCause` in `ExtraErrorData` integration ([#&#8203;9914]( - feat(node-experimental): Allow to pass base span options to trace methods ([#&#8203;10006]( - feat(node): Local variables via async inspector in node 19+ ([#&#8203;9962]( - fix(astro): handle commonjs related issues ([#&#8203;10042]( - fix(astro): Handle non-utf8 encoded streams in middleware ([#&#8203;9989]( - fix(astro): prevent sentry from externalized ([#&#8203;9994]( - fix(core): Ensure `withScope` sets current scope correctly with async callbacks ([#&#8203;9974]( - fix(node): ANR fixes and additions ([#&#8203;9998]( - fix(node): Anr should not block exit ([#&#8203;10035]( - fix(node): Correctly resolve module name ([#&#8203;10001]( - fix(node): Handle inspector already open ([#&#8203;10025]( - fix(node): Make `NODE_VERSION` properties required ([#&#8203;9964]( - fix(node): Anr doesn't block exit ([#&#8203;10064]( - fix(utils): use correct typeof URL validation ([#&#8203;10028]( - perf(astro): reduce unnecessary path resolutions ([#&#8203;10021]( - ref(astro): Use astro logger instead of console ([#&#8203;9995]( - ref(remix): Isolate Express instrumentation from server auto-instrumentation. ([#&#8203;9966]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;joshkel]( Thank you for your contribution! ### [`v7.91.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes - **feat: Add server runtime metrics aggregator ([#&#8203;9894](** The release adds alpha support for [Sentry developer metrics]( in the server runtime SDKs (`@sentry/node`, `@sentry/deno`, `@sentry/nextjs` server-side, etc.). Via the newly introduced APIs, you can now flush metrics directly to Sentry. To enable capturing metrics, you first need to add the `metricsAggregator` experiment to your `Sentry.init` call. ```js Sentry.init({ dsn: '__DSN__', _experiments: { metricsAggregator: true, }, }); ``` Then you'll be able to add `counters`, `sets`, `distributions`, and `gauges` under the `Sentry.metrics` namespace. ```js // Add 4 to a counter named `hits` Sentry.metrics.increment('hits', 4); // Add 2 to gauge named `parallel_requests`, tagged with `type: "a"` Sentry.metrics.gauge('parallel_requests', 2, { tags: { type: 'a' } }); // Add 4.6 to a distribution named `response_time` with unit seconds Sentry.metrics.distribution('response_time', 4.6, { unit: 'seconds' }); // Add 2 to a set named `valuable.ids` Sentry.metrics.set('valuable.ids', 2); ``` - **feat(node): Rework ANR to use worker script via an integration ([#&#8203;9945](** The [ANR tracking integration for Node]( has been reworked to use an integration. ANR tracking now requires a minimum Node version of 16 or higher. Previously you had to call `Sentry.enableANRDetection` before running your application, now you can simply add the `Anr` integration to your `Sentry.init` call. ```js import * as Sentry from '@&#8203;sentry/node'; Sentry.init({ dsn: '', integrations: [new Sentry.Integrations.Anr({ captureStackTrace: true, anrThreshold: 200 })], }); ``` ##### Other Changes - feat(breadcrumbs): Send component names on UI breadcrumbs ([#&#8203;9946]( - feat(core): Add `getGlobalScope()` method ([#&#8203;9920]( - feat(core): Add `getIsolationScope()` method ([#&#8203;9957]( - feat(core): Add `span.end()` to replace `span.finish()` ([#&#8203;9954]( - feat(core): Ensure `startSpan` & `startSpanManual` fork scope ([#&#8203;9955]( - feat(react): Send component name on spans ([#&#8203;9949]( - feat(replay): Send component names in replay breadcrumbs ([#&#8203;9947]( - feat(sveltekit): Add options to configure fetch instrumentation script for CSP ([#&#8203;9969]( - feat(tracing): Send component name on interaction spans ([#&#8203;9948]( - feat(utils): Add function to extract relevant component name ([#&#8203;9921]( - fix(core): Rethrow caught promise rejections in `startSpan`, `startSpanManual`, `trace` ([#&#8203;9958]( ### [`v7.90.0`]( [Compare Source]( - feat(replay): Change to use preset quality values ([#&#8203;9903]( - fix(replay): Adjust development hydration error messages ([#&#8203;9922]( - fix(sveltekit): Add `types` field to package.json `exports` ([#&#8203;9926]( ### [`v7.89.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes ##### Deprecations - **feat(core): Deprecate `configureScope` ([#&#8203;9887](** - **feat(core): Deprecate `pushScope` & `popScope` ([#&#8203;9890](** This release deprecates `configureScope`, `pushScope`, and `popScope`, which will be removed in the upcoming v8 major release. ##### Hapi Integration - **feat(node): Add Hapi Integration ([#&#8203;9539](** This release adds an integration for Hapi. It can be used as follows: ```ts const Sentry = require('@&#8203;sentry/node'); const Hapi = require('@&#8203;hapi/hapi'); const init = async () => { const server = Hapi.server({ // your server configuration ... }); Sentry.init({ dsn: '__DSN__', tracesSampleRate: 1.0, integrations: [ new Sentry.Integrations.Hapi({ server }), ], }); server.route({ // your route configuration ... }); await server.start(); }; ``` ##### SvelteKit 2.0 - **chore(sveltekit): Add SvelteKit 2.0 to peer dependencies ([#&#8203;9861](** This release adds support for SvelteKit 2.0 in the `@sentry/sveltekit` package. If you're upgrading from SvelteKit 1.x to 2.x and already use the Sentry SvelteKit SDK, no changes apart from upgrading to this (or a newer) version are necessary. ##### Other Changes - feat(core): Add type & utility for function-based integrations ([#&#8203;9818]( - feat(core): Update `withScope` to return callback return value ([#&#8203;9866]( - feat(deno): Support `Deno.CronSchedule` for cron jobs ([#&#8203;9880]( - feat(nextjs): Auto instrument generation functions ([#&#8203;9781]( - feat(nextjs): Connect server component transactions if there is no incoming trace ([#&#8203;9845]( - feat(node-experimental): Update to new Scope APIs ([#&#8203;9799]( - feat(replay): Add `canvas.type` setting ([#&#8203;9877]( - fix(nextjs): Export `createReduxEnhancer` ([#&#8203;9854]( - fix(remix): Do not capture thrown redirect responses. ([#&#8203;9909]( - fix(sveltekit): Add conditional exports ([#&#8203;9872]( - fix(sveltekit): Avoid capturing 404 errors on client side ([#&#8203;9902]( - fix(utils): Do not use `Event` type in worldwide ([#&#8203;9864]( - fix(utils): Support crypto.getRandomValues in old Chromium versions ([#&#8203;9251]( - fix(utils): Update `eventFromUnknownInput` to avoid scope pollution & `getCurrentHub` ([#&#8203;9868]( - ref: Use `addBreadcrumb` directly & allow to pass hint ([#&#8203;9867]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;adam187](, and [@&#8203;jghinestrosa]( Thank you for your contributions! </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy41MC4xIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzcuNTAuMSIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6Im1haW4ifQ==-->
renovate added the
label 2023-12-19 16:19:14 +00:00
renovate added 1 commit 2023-12-19 16:19:18 +00:00
fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.89.0
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 12caae90ee to 729aa5a2f3 2023-12-19 16:19:20 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.89.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.90.0 2023-12-20 15:20:38 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 729aa5a2f3 to 74cd97fac9 2023-12-20 15:20:48 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.90.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.91.0 2023-12-22 12:21:03 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 74cd97fac9 to aada59790d 2023-12-22 12:21:09 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.91.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.92.0 2024-01-04 19:29:26 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from aada59790d to bedb0b9f56 2024-01-04 19:29:36 +00:00 Compare
konrad added 1 commit 2024-01-10 11:09:59 +00:00
chore(deps): update lockfile
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
konrad scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2024-01-10 11:10:35 +00:00

Hi renovate!

Thank you for creating a PR!

I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL:

You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out.
You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is

Have a nice day!

Beep boop, I'm a bot.

Hi renovate! Thank you for creating a PR! I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL: You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out. You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is Have a nice day! > Beep boop, I'm a bot.
konrad force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from fcc85db602 to bd27db2cd6 2024-01-10 11:36:41 +00:00 Compare
konrad force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from bd27db2cd6 to fc23f3b3ef 2024-01-10 12:02:04 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from fc23f3b3ef to f466f4f752 2024-01-10 13:28:08 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.92.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.93.0 2024-01-10 14:28:29 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from f466f4f752 to 2da75ca7c6 2024-01-10 14:28:42 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 2da75ca7c6 to 4ded90e3e0 2024-01-10 15:30:39 +00:00 Compare
konrad added 3 commits 2024-01-10 15:34:01 +00:00
chore(deps): update lockfile
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
konrad merged commit 069c491fbd into main 2024-01-10 16:01:07 +00:00
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