chore(deps): update dev-dependencies (major) #3741

konrad merged 4 commits from renovate/major-dev-dependencies into main 2023-10-20 19:34:14 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@cypress/vue (source) devDependencies major 5.0.5 -> 6.0.0
@vue/eslint-config-typescript devDependencies major 11.0.3 -> 12.0.0
cypress devDependencies major 12.17.4 -> 13.3.2
happy-dom devDependencies major 10.11.2 -> 12.9.1
rollup (source) devDependencies major 3.29.4 -> 4.1.4

Release Notes

cypress-io/cypress (@​cypress/vue)

v6.0.0: 6.0.0

Compare Source

Released 11/23/2020


Cypress now offers full network stubbing support with the introduction of the cy.intercept() command (previously cy.route2()). With cy.intercept() your tests can intercept, modify and wait on any type of HTTP request originating from your app.

Breaking Changes:

Please read our Migration Guide which explains the changes in more detail and how to change your code to migrate to Cypress 6.0.

  • Cypress now always throws an error when asserting on an element that doesn't exist in the DOM (unless you're asserting that the element should not.exist). Assertions such as not.visible, not.contains, not.have.class, etc will now fail when used on non-existent DOM elements. Addresses #​205.
  • DOM elements where the CSS style (or ancestors) are opacity: 0 are no longer considered visible. However these are still considered actionable and "any action commands" interacting-with-elements#Actionability used to interact with the element will perform the action. This matches browser's implementation on how they regard elements with opacity: 0. Addresses #​4474.
  • The type yielded by cy.wait(alias) has changed in order to support use of cy.intercept(). Addressed in #​9266.
  • The experimentalNetworkStubbing option has been removed and made the default behavior. You can safely removed this configuration option. Addressed in #​9185.
  • When using .type() and .click() on elements inside a contenteditable element, the events are now properly triggered on the inside elements. This may cause unintended consequences if you were relying on the previous behavior. Addressed in #​9066.
  • We removed several deprecation errors around APIs that were removed in versions of Cypress prior to 4.0.0. This will not cause any changes for anyone upgrading from a 4.0+ version of Cypress. For a full list of all APIs affected see #​8946.
  • We updated our HTTP status codes and reason phrases to match Node.js http.STATUS_CODES. If you have code that relies on a reason phrase, then this could affect you. Addressed in #​8969.
  • JSON request and response bodies captured by cy.intercept() are now automatically parsed, removing the need to manually do JSON.parse. Addressed in #​9280.


Deprecations still work as before but will be removed from Cypress in a future release. We encourage you to update your code now to remove uses of deprecations.

  • cy.server() and cy.route() have been deprecated. In a future release, support for cy.server() and cy.route() will be moved to a plugin. We encourage you to use cy.intercept() instead. Addressed in #​9185.
  • experimentalFetchPolyfill has been deprecated. We encourage you to use cy.intercept() to intercept requests using the Fetch API instead.
  • cy.route2() was renamed to cy.intercept(). We encourage you to update usages of cy.route2() to use cy.intercept(). Addressed in #​9182.


  • The new cy.intercept() command can be used to manage the behavior of HTTP requests at the network layer. Addressed in #​9182.
  • We now pass —disable-dev-shm-usage to the Chrome browser flags by default. This will write shared memory files into /tmp instead of /dev/shm. If you're passing this flag in your plugins file, you can now remove this code. Addresses #​5336.
  • A warning is now displayed when passing invalid configuration keys through the CLI. Addresses #​428.
  • The cypress version command now also displays the current Electron and bundled Node versions. Addresses #​9180.
  • The cypress version command now accepts a --component flag that allows you to print the version of specific components of Cypress. ie Electron, Node, etc. Addresses #​9214.


  • We fixed a regression introduced in 3.5.0 that would cause .type() to not type the entire string when focus was called away from the target element. Fixes #​9254.
  • .type() and .click() now properly work on elements inside a contenteditable element. Fixes #​2717 and #​7721.
  • We fixed a regression introduced in 5.6.0 that would cause the Test Runner to crashes and display a white page when switching tabs while tests are running. Fixes #​9151.
  • Fixed an issue where Content-Length for cy.route2 request bodies could be incorrectly recalculated. Fixes #​9166.

Documentation Changes:


  • Added the type of redirects and changed redirectedToUrl optional for Response types. Addresses #​9275.

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded Chrome browser version used during cypress run and when selecting Electron browser in cypress open from 85 to 87. Addressed in #​9222.
  • Upgraded bundled Node.js version from 12.16.3 to 12.18.3. Addressed in #​9222.
  • Upgraded electron from 10.1.5 to 11.0.2. Addressed in #​9222.
vuejs/eslint-config-typescript (@​vue/eslint-config-typescript)


Compare Source

Notable Changes

typescript-eslint is upgraded to v6.x. The full release notes can be found in their release blog:
Here are some notable changes you might encounter when upgrading @vue/eslint-config-typescript from v11 to v12:

capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes typo in documentation. (#​1123)

Thank you @​goring for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Improves performance of the async task manager. This will improve performance of timers in general as they have less logic executed related to the async task manager. (#​1114)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds missing second parameter in callbacks from MutationObserver. (#​1113)

Thank you @​wojtekmaj for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for Clipboard, ClipboardItem, Permissions and PermissionStatus, which are used by the Window.navigator.clipboard and Window.navigator.permissions properties. (#​833)
  • Adds support for ClipboardEvent. (#​833)
  • Improves support for DataTransfer, DataTransferItemList and DataTransferItem. (#​833)
  • Adds MutationRecord class to Window as a property. (#​1112)
👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Restores HTMLInputElement.checked state when Event.preventDefault() is called on a dispatched "click" event.


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🎨 Features
  • Adds support for Element.scrollWidth. (#​1109)


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🎨 Features
  • Adds support for dispatching a click event on the control element when clicking on a label. (#​1023)


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🎨 Features
  • Adds support for DocumentFragment as a constructor (e.g. new DocumentFragment()). (#​940)
👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes issue related to ownerDocument being null when executing ownerDocument.createElement() in React 18. The error occurred when rendering a Radix UI component. The root cause was that React 18 uses DocumentFragment as a constructor which was not supported. (#​940)


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🎨 Features
  • Add FocusEvent.relatedTarget to blur and focus events. (#​1094)

Thank you @​artursvonda for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Add support for Document.currentScript. (#​1099)

Thank you @​ckhampus for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Uses vm.Script for setting globals instead of a string to improve performance. (#​1102)
👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Improves logic in Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete(). (#​1102)


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Makes PointerEvent implementation more specification compliant. (#​1092)

Thank you @​tkrotoff for your contribution!


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds support for Symbol.toStringTag to EventTarget and AbortSignal. (#​1097)

Thank you @​Afsoon for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for HTMLElement.clientLeft and HTMLElement.clientTop. (#​1089)

Thank you @​konomae for your contribution!


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Makes NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem() throw an exception on missing item. (#​652)
  • Allow deletion of nonexistent keys from HTMLElement.dataset. Deleting a nonexistent key in a dataset will not throw an exception, even though it indirectly is using NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem(). (#​652)

Thank you @​RussianCow for your contribution!


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes bug in URL.createObjectURL() where it did not support the Happy DOM Blob object. (#​847)
  • Makes sure that HTMLUnknownElement is disconnected from its parent when replaced by a custom element. (#​1087)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Allows global properties to be overwritten when using GlobalRegistrator from @​happy-dom/global-registrator, as some global properties may behave different from the Happy DOM implementation. The properties will be restored when unregistering. (#​1049)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds support for Document.referrer. (#​653)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes issue related to wrong computed style for "display" being return for HTMLDialogElement when it is open. It returned display: none, but should return display: block. This caused testing-library to not return the element when using getByRole('dialog'). (#​802)


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🎨 Features
  • Adds support for a new setting called disableErrorCapturing. Happy DOM will by default try to catch errors in functionality such as scripts, timers and event listeners. This setting makes it possible it to disable this behavior. (#​1073)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes "__dirname not defined" error when using ESM. The error was introduced in v12.0.0. (#​1069)

Thank you @​ekwoka for collaborating on a fix!


Compare Source

💣 Breaking Changes
  • Changes the default user agent. The default user agent will now be Mozilla/5.0 (X11; {process.platform} {process.arch}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HappyDOM/{packageVersion}. (#​1067)
🎨 Features
  • It is now possible to pass user agent as an option to the Window constructor or by setting Window.happyDOM.settings.navigator.userAgent. (#​1067)
  • React will no longer output the message Download the React DevTools for a better development experience to the console when using the default user agent. It was previously detected as a supported browser. (#​1067)


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for Window.crypto. (#​1050)

Thank you @​Ayc0 for your contribution!


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Only dispatch "close" event in HTMLDialogElement.close() when dialog was open. (#​1064)

Thank you @​Schleuse for your contribution!


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds support for the mime type "image/svg+xml" to DOMParser.parseFromString(). It will no longer add HTML tags when parsing SVGs. (#​1040)

Thank you @​drtimwright for your contribution!


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Add support for handling the <g> element as a an SVG element. (#​1034)

Thank you @​ottoszika for your contribution!


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Increases timeout in Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete(). (#​1059)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Jest was using setTimeout from Happy DOM internally for detecting when a test times out. This caused Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete() and Window.happyDOM.cancelAsync() to not work as expected inside Jest. This is a bug in Jest, but this release adds a temporary fix to "@​happy-dom/jest-environment" until Jest has solved it. (#​1057)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes an issue where the Promise returned by Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete() was resolved to early in some scenarios. (#​1053)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes documentation for packages in (#​1047)


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds Virtual Console to Happy DOM index file. (#​1045)


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💣 Breaking Changes
  • Adds a new Virtual Console that by default will output all log entries to a Virtual Console Printer instead of using the global Node.js console. (#​1030)
  • Improves logic for catching errors in scripts, event listeners and timers. (#​1030)
🎨 Features
👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Uses the default eval() for evaluating code instead of custom logic. This will make it possible to read context variables. #​1025

Thank you @​joeframbach for contributing with logic related to the eval() functionality!

rollup/rollup (rollup)


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Bug Fixes
Pull Requests


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Bug Fixes
  • Fix WASM build as hash function was not exported (#​5203)
Pull Requests


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Bug Fixes
  • Improve Node parsing performance (#​5201)
Pull Requests


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  • Reduce memory usage of Rollup builds (#​5133)
Pull Requests


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Bug Fixes
  • Fix annotation detection logic to not fail when a non-ASCII character precedes a double underscore (#​5178)
Pull Requests


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Bug Fixes
  • Do not panic on trailing semicolons after class methods (#​5173)
  • Add artifact for arm64 linux musl target (#​5176)
Pull Requests


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General Changes
  • The minimal required Node version is now 18.0.0 (#​5142)
  • The browser build now relies on a WASM artifact that needs to be provided as well (#​5073)
  • The NodeJS build now relies on an optional native binary; for unsupported platforms, users can use the @rollup/wasm-node package that has the same interface as Rollup but relies on WASM artifacts (#​5073)
  • The INVALID_IMPORT_ASSERTION error code has been replaced with INVALID_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE (#​5073)
  • Rollup will now warn for @__PURE__ and @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ annotations in invalid locations (#​5165)
  • If an entry module starts with a shebang comment #!..., this comment will be prepended to the output for es and cjs formats (#​5163)
  • File hashes will now use url-safe base64 encoded hashes (#​5155)
  • The maximum hash length has been reduced to 22 characters (#​5155)
  • The RollupWarning type has been removed in favor of the RollupLog type (#​5147)
Changes to Rollup Options
  • Acorn plugins are no longer supported, the acornInjectPlugins option has been removed (#​5073)
  • The acorn option has been removed (#​5073)
  • output.externalImportAssertions has been deprecated in favor of output.externalImportAttributes (#​5073)
  • inlineDynamicImports, manualChunks and preserveModules have been removed on input option level: Please use the corresponding output options of the same names (#​5143)
  • Removed output options (#​5143):
    • output.experimentalDeepDynamicChunkOptimization: This option is no longer needed as Rollup now always runs the full chunking algorithm
    • output.dynamicImportFunction: Use the renderDynamicImport plugin hook instead
    • output.namespaceToStringTag: Use output.generatedCode.symbols instead
    • output.preferConst: Use output.generatedCode.constBindings instead
Plugin API Changes
  • For this.resolve, the default of the skipSelf option is now true (#​5142)
  • this.parse now only supports the allowReturnOutsideFunction option for now (#​5073)
  • Import assertions now use the new import attribute AST structure (#​5073)
  • "assertions" have been replaced with "attributes" in various places of the plugin interface (#​5073)
  • If the import of a module id is handled by the load hook of a plugin, no longer watches the actual file if the module id corresponds to a real path; if this is intended, then the plugin is responsible for calling this.addWatchFile for any dependency files (#​5150)
  • The normalized input options provided by buildStart and other hooks no longer contain an onwarn handler; plugins should use onLog instead (#​5147)
  • this.moduleIds has been removed from the plugin context: Use this.getModuleIds() instead (#​5143)
  • The hasModuleSideEffects flag has been removed from the ModuleInfo returned by this.getModuleInfo(): Use moduleSideEffects on the ModuleInfo instead (#​5143)
  • Improve parsing speed by switching to a native SWC-based parser (#​5073)
  • Rollup will now warn for @__PURE__ and @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ annotations in invalid locations (#​5165)
  • The parser is now exposed as a separate export parseAst (#​5169)
Bug Fixes
  • Rollup no longer tries to watch virtual files if their name corresponds to an actual file name; instead, plugins handle watching via this.addWatchFile() (#​5150)
Pull Requests


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@cypress/vue]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`5.0.5` -> `6.0.0`]( | | [@vue/eslint-config-typescript]( | devDependencies | major | [`11.0.3` -> `12.0.0`]( | | [cypress]( | devDependencies | major | [`12.17.4` -> `13.3.2`]( | | [happy-dom]( | devDependencies | major | [`10.11.2` -> `12.9.1`]( | | [rollup]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`3.29.4` -> `4.1.4`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>cypress-io/cypress (@&#8203;cypress/vue)</summary> ### [`v6.0.0`]( 6.0.0 [Compare Source]( *Released 11/23/2020* **Summary:** Cypress now offers full network stubbing support with the introduction of the [`cy.intercept()`]( command (previously `cy.route2()`). With [`cy.intercept()`]( your tests can intercept, modify and wait on any type of HTTP request originating from your app. **Breaking Changes:** **Please read our [Migration Guide]( which explains the changes in more detail and how to change your code to migrate to Cypress 6.0.** - Cypress now always throws an error when asserting on an element that doesn't exist in the DOM (unless you're asserting that the element should `not.exist`). Assertions such as `not.visible`, `not.contains`, `not.have.class`, etc will now fail when used on non-existent DOM elements. Addresses [#&#8203;205]( - DOM elements where the CSS style (or ancestors) are `opacity: 0` are no longer considered visible. However these are still considered [actionable]( and "any action commands" interacting-with-elements#Actionability used to interact with the element will perform the action. This matches browser's implementation on how they regard elements with `opacity: 0`. Addresses [#&#8203;4474]( - The type yielded by [`cy.wait(alias)`]( has changed in order to support use of [`cy.intercept()`]( Addressed in [#&#8203;9266]( - The `experimentalNetworkStubbing` option has been removed and made the default behavior. You can safely removed this configuration option. Addressed in [#&#8203;9185]( - When using [`.type()`]( and [`.click()`]( on elements inside a `contenteditable` element, the events are now properly triggered on the inside elements. This may cause unintended consequences if you were relying on the previous behavior. Addressed in [#&#8203;9066]( - We removed several deprecation errors around APIs that were removed in versions of Cypress prior to 4.0.0. This will not cause any changes for anyone upgrading from a 4.0+ version of Cypress. For a full list of all APIs affected see [#&#8203;8946]( - We updated our HTTP status codes and reason phrases to match Node.js `http.STATUS_CODES`. If you have code that relies on a reason phrase, then this could affect you. Addressed in [#&#8203;8969]( - JSON request and response bodies captured by [`cy.intercept()`]( are now automatically parsed, removing the need to manually do `JSON.parse`. Addressed in [#&#8203;9280]( **Deprecations:** Deprecations still work as before but will be removed from Cypress in a future release. We encourage you to update your code now to remove uses of deprecations. - `cy.server()` and `cy.route()` have been deprecated. In a future release, support for `cy.server()` and `cy.route()` will be moved to a plugin. We encourage you to use [`cy.intercept()`]( instead. Addressed in [#&#8203;9185]( - `experimentalFetchPolyfill` has been deprecated. We encourage you to use [`cy.intercept()`]( to intercept requests using the Fetch API instead. - `cy.route2()` was renamed to [`cy.intercept()`]( We encourage you to update usages of `cy.route2()` to use [`cy.intercept()`]( Addressed in [#&#8203;9182]( **Features:** - The new [`cy.intercept()`]( command can be used to manage the behavior of HTTP requests at the network layer. Addressed in [#&#8203;9182]( - We now pass `—disable-dev-shm-usage` to the Chrome browser flags by default. This will write shared memory files into `/tmp` instead of `/dev/shm`. If you're passing this flag in your `plugins` file, you can now remove this code. Addresses [#&#8203;5336]( - A warning is now displayed when passing invalid configuration keys through the CLI. Addresses [#&#8203;428]( - The `cypress version` command now also displays the current Electron and bundled Node versions. Addresses [#&#8203;9180]( - The `cypress version` command now accepts a `--component` flag that allows you to print the version of specific components of Cypress. ie Electron, Node, etc. Addresses [#&#8203;9214]( **Bugfixes:** - We fixed a regression introduced in [3.5.0]( that would cause [`.type()`]( to not type the entire string when focus was called away from the target element. Fixes [#&#8203;9254]( - [`.type()`]( and [`.click()`]( now properly work on elements inside a `contenteditable` element. Fixes [#&#8203;2717]( and [#&#8203;7721]( - We fixed a regression introduced in [5.6.0]( that would cause the Test Runner to crashes and display a white page when switching tabs while tests are running. Fixes [#&#8203;9151]( - Fixed an issue where `Content-Length` for `cy.route2` request bodies could be incorrectly recalculated. Fixes [#&#8203;9166]( **Documentation Changes:** - Our [Migration Guide]( has a new section for 6.0 migration. - Many of our docs examples have been updated to use [`cy.intercept()`]( in place of `cy.route()` including our [Network Requests]( doc. **Misc:** - Added the type of `redirects` and changed `redirectedToUrl` optional for Response types. Addresses [#&#8203;9275]( **Dependency Updates** - Upgraded Chrome browser version used during `cypress run` and when selecting Electron browser in `cypress open` from `85` to `87`. Addressed in [#&#8203;9222]( - Upgraded bundled Node.js version from `12.16.3` to `12.18.3`. Addressed in [#&#8203;9222]( - Upgraded `electron` from `10.1.5` to `11.0.2`. Addressed in [#&#8203;9222]( </details> <details> <summary>vuejs/eslint-config-typescript (@&#8203;vue/eslint-config-typescript)</summary> ### [`v12.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Notable Changes `typescript-eslint` is upgraded to v6.x. The full release notes can be found in their release blog: Here are some notable changes you might encounter when upgrading `@vue/eslint-config-typescript` from v11 to v12: - Requires Node.js >= 16, TypeScript >= 4.2.4, ESLint >= 7 - The default config: - [`valid-typeof` rule is re-enabled because it's not always covered by TypeScript]( - The `recommended` config: - No longer includes stylistic rules; because the upstream `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` has split them into standalone configs. - Some rules' severity levels are changed from `warn` to `error`, such as `@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars`. - A more complete list of changes can be found at </details> <details> <summary>capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)</summary> ### [`v12.9.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes typo in documentation. ([#&#8203;1123]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;goring]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Improves performance of the async task manager. This will improve performance of timers in general as they have less logic executed related to the async task manager. ([#&#8203;1114]( ### [`v12.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds missing second parameter in callbacks from `MutationObserver`. ([#&#8203;1113]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;wojtekmaj]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `Clipboard`, `ClipboardItem`, `Permissions` and `PermissionStatus`, which are used by the `Window.navigator.clipboard` and `Window.navigator.permissions` properties. ([#&#8203;833]( - Adds support for `ClipboardEvent`. ([#&#8203;833]( - Improves support for `DataTransfer`, `DataTransferItemList` and `DataTransferItem`. ([#&#8203;833]( - Adds `MutationRecord` class to `Window` as a property. ([#&#8203;1112]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Restores `HTMLInputElement.checked` state when `Event.preventDefault()` is called on a dispatched "click" event. ### [`v12.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `Element.scrollWidth`. ([#&#8203;1109]( ### [`v12.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for dispatching a click event on the control element when clicking on a label. ([#&#8203;1023]( ### [`v12.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `DocumentFragment` as a constructor (e.g. `new DocumentFragment()`). ([#&#8203;940]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to `ownerDocument` being null when executing `ownerDocument.createElement()` in React 18. The error occurred when rendering a Radix UI component. The root cause was that React 18 uses `DocumentFragment` as a constructor which was not supported. ([#&#8203;940]( ### [`v12.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Add `FocusEvent.relatedTarget` to blur and focus events. ([#&#8203;1094]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;artursvonda]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Add support for `Document.currentScript`. ([#&#8203;1099]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;ckhampus]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Uses `vm.Script` for setting globals instead of a string to improve performance. ([#&#8203;1102]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Improves logic in `Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete()`. ([#&#8203;1102]( ### [`v12.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes `PointerEvent` implementation more specification compliant. ([#&#8203;1092]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;tkrotoff]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for `Symbol.toStringTag` to `EventTarget` and `AbortSignal`. ([#&#8203;1097]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;Afsoon]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `HTMLElement.clientLeft` and `HTMLElement.clientTop`. ([#&#8203;1089]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;konomae]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.1.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes `NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem()` throw an exception on missing item. ([#&#8203;652]( - Allow deletion of nonexistent keys from `HTMLElement.dataset`. Deleting a nonexistent key in a dataset will not throw an exception, even though it indirectly is using `NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem()`. ([#&#8203;652]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;RussianCow]( for your contribution! ### [`v12.1.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes bug in `URL.createObjectURL()` where it did not support the Happy DOM `Blob` object. ([#&#8203;847]( - Makes sure that HTMLUnknownElement is disconnected from its parent when replaced by a custom element. ([#&#8203;1087]( ### [`v12.1.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to functions not being bound to global when using `GlobalRegistrator` from [@&#8203;happy-dom/global-registrator]( ([#&#8203;1082]( ### [`v12.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to `global.window` not referring to global when using `GlobalRegistrator` from [@&#8203;happy-dom/global-registrator]( ([#&#8203;1049]( ### [`v12.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Allows global properties to be overwritten when using `GlobalRegistrator` from [@&#8203;happy-dom/global-registrator](, as some global properties may behave different from the Happy DOM implementation. The properties will be restored when unregistering. ([#&#8203;1049]( ### [`v12.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for `Document.referrer`. ([#&#8203;653]( ### [`v12.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to wrong computed style for "display" being return for HTMLDialogElement when it is open. It returned `display: none`, but should return `display: block`. This caused testing-library to not return the element when using `getByRole('dialog')`. ([#&#8203;802]( ### [`v12.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for a new setting called [disableErrorCapturing]( Happy DOM will by default try to catch errors in functionality such as scripts, timers and event listeners. This setting makes it possible it to disable this behavior. ([#&#8203;1073]( ### [`v12.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes "\__dirname not defined" error when using ESM. The error was introduced in [v12.0.0]( ([#&#8203;1069]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;ekwoka]( for collaborating on a fix! ### [`v12.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bomb: Breaking Changes - Changes the default user agent. The default user agent will now be `Mozilla/5.0 (X11; {process.platform} {process.arch}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HappyDOM/{packageVersion}`. ([#&#8203;1067]( ##### :art: Features - It is now possible to pass user agent as an option to the `Window` constructor or by setting `Window.happyDOM.settings.navigator.userAgent`. ([#&#8203;1067]( - React will no longer output the message `Download the React DevTools for a better development experience` to the console when using the default user agent. It was previously detected as a supported browser. ([#&#8203;1067]( ### [`v11.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `Window.crypto`. ([#&#8203;1050]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;Ayc0]( for your contribution! ### [`v11.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Only dispatch "close" event in `HTMLDialogElement.close()` when dialog was open. ([#&#8203;1064]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;Schleuse]( for your contribution! ### [`v11.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for the mime type "image/svg+xml" to `DOMParser.parseFromString()`. It will no longer add HTML tags when parsing SVGs. ([#&#8203;1040]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;drtimwright]( for your contribution! ### [`v11.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Add support for handling the `<g>` element as a an SVG element. ([#&#8203;1034]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;ottoszika]( for your contribution! ### [`v11.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes issue related to Jest module mocker in "[@&#8203;happy-dom/jest-environment](". ([#&#8203;1062]( ### [`v11.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Increases timeout in `Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete()`. ([#&#8203;1059]( ### [`v11.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Jest was using `setTimeout` from Happy DOM internally for detecting when a test times out. This caused `Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete()` and `Window.happyDOM.cancelAsync()` to not work as expected inside Jest. This is a bug in Jest, but this release adds a temporary fix to "[@&#8203;happy-dom/jest-environment](" until Jest has solved it. ([#&#8203;1057]( ### [`v11.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes an issue where the Promise returned by `Window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete()` was resolved to early in some scenarios. ([#&#8203;1053]( ### [`v11.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes documentation for packages in ([#&#8203;1047]( ### [`v11.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds Virtual Console to Happy DOM index file. ([#&#8203;1045]( ### [`v11.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bomb: Breaking Changes - Adds a new [Virtual Console]( that by default will output all log entries to a Virtual Console Printer instead of using the global Node.js console. ([#&#8203;1030]( - Improves logic for catching errors in scripts, event listeners and timers. ([#&#8203;1030]( ##### :art: Features - Adds a new NPM package called [@&#8203;happy-dom/uncaught-exception-observer]( that can be used for catching uncaught errors that are not possible to catch on a local level. ([#&#8203;1030]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Uses the default `eval()` for evaluating code instead of custom logic. This will make it possible to read context variables. [#&#8203;1025]( *** Thank you [@&#8203;joeframbach]( for contributing with logic related to the `eval()` functionality! </details> <details> <summary>rollup/rollup (rollup)</summary> ### [`v4.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-16* ##### Bug Fixes - Reduce sizes [@&#8203;rollup/browser]( and [@&#8203;rollup/wasm-node]( WASM artifacts ([#&#8203;5204]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5204]( perf: shrink wasm size by avoid importing browserslist ([@&#8203;sapphi-red]( ### [`v4.1.3`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-15* ##### Bug Fixes - Fix WASM build as hash function was not exported ([#&#8203;5203]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5203]( fix: export xxhashBase64Url from wasm ([@&#8203;sapphi-red]( ### [`v4.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-15* ##### Bug Fixes - Improve Node parsing performance ([#&#8203;5201]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5201]( perf: use mimalloc for bindings_napi ([@&#8203;sapphi-red]( ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-14* ##### Features - Reduce memory usage of Rollup builds ([#&#8203;5133]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5133]( perf: reducing ast node memory overhead ([@&#8203;thebanjomatic]( - [#&#8203;5177]( chore: explicitly set rust toolchain channel ([@&#8203;cijiugechu]( - [#&#8203;5179]( Update migration guide for Rollup 4 ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5180]( Resolve clippy errors ([@&#8203;cijiugechu]( - [#&#8203;5183]( Add clippy to pipeline and fix remaining issues ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5184]( docs: fix code example for `onLog` ([@&#8203;tjenkinson]( - [#&#8203;5186]( Improve wording for native artifacts in migration guide ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5190]( test: add verifyAst type ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5196]( chore(deps): update dependency rollup to v4 ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5197]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) ### [`v4.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-06* ##### Bug Fixes - Fix annotation detection logic to not fail when a non-ASCII character precedes a double underscore ([#&#8203;5178]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5178]( Handle special characters before double underscores ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( ### [`v4.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-06* ##### Bug Fixes - Do not panic on trailing semicolons after class methods ([#&#8203;5173]( - Add artifact for arm64 linux musl target ([#&#8203;5176]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5172]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5173]( fix: ignores empty statements in class body that is returned by SWC parser ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5176]( Fix linux arm musl build ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-10-05* ##### BREAKING CHANGES ##### General Changes - The minimal required Node version is now 18.0.0 ([#&#8203;5142]( - The browser build now relies on a WASM artifact that needs to be provided as well ([#&#8203;5073]( - The NodeJS build now relies on an optional native binary; for unsupported platforms, users can use the `@rollup/wasm-node` package that has the same interface as Rollup but relies on WASM artifacts ([#&#8203;5073]( - The `INVALID_IMPORT_ASSERTION` error code has been replaced with `INVALID_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE` ([#&#8203;5073]( - Rollup will now warn for `@__PURE__` and `@__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__` annotations in invalid locations ([#&#8203;5165]( - If an entry module starts with a shebang comment `#!...`, this comment will be prepended to the output for `es` and `cjs` formats ([#&#8203;5163]( - File hashes will now use url-safe base64 encoded hashes ([#&#8203;5155]( - The maximum hash length has been reduced to 22 characters ([#&#8203;5155]( - The `RollupWarning` type has been removed in favor of the `RollupLog` type ([#&#8203;5147]( ##### Changes to Rollup Options - Acorn plugins are no longer supported, the `acornInjectPlugins` option has been removed ([#&#8203;5073]( - The `acorn` option has been removed ([#&#8203;5073]( - `output.externalImportAssertions` has been deprecated in favor of `output.externalImportAttributes` ([#&#8203;5073]( - `inlineDynamicImports`, `manualChunks` and `preserveModules` have been removed on input option level: Please use the corresponding output options of the same names ([#&#8203;5143]( - Removed output options ([#&#8203;5143]( - `output.experimentalDeepDynamicChunkOptimization`: This option is no longer needed as Rollup now always runs the full chunking algorithm - `output.dynamicImportFunction`: Use the `renderDynamicImport` plugin hook instead - `output.namespaceToStringTag`: Use `output.generatedCode.symbols` instead - `output.preferConst`: Use `output.generatedCode.constBindings` instead ##### Plugin API Changes - For `this.resolve`, the default of the `skipSelf` option is now `true` ([#&#8203;5142]( - `this.parse` now only supports the `allowReturnOutsideFunction` option for now ([#&#8203;5073]( - Import assertions now use the [new import attribute AST structure]( ([#&#8203;5073]( - "assertions" have been replaced with "attributes" in various places of the plugin interface ([#&#8203;5073]( - If the import of a module id is handled by the `load` hook of a plugin, `` no longer watches the actual file if the module id corresponds to a real path; if this is intended, then the plugin is responsible for calling `this.addWatchFile` for any dependency files ([#&#8203;5150]( - The normalized input options provided by `buildStart` and other hooks no longer contain an `onwarn` handler; plugins should use `onLog` instead ([#&#8203;5147]( - `this.moduleIds` has been removed from the plugin context: Use `this.getModuleIds()` instead ([#&#8203;5143]( - The `hasModuleSideEffects` flag has been removed from the `ModuleInfo` returned by `this.getModuleInfo()`: Use `moduleSideEffects` on the `ModuleInfo` instead ([#&#8203;5143]( ##### Features - Improve parsing speed by switching to a native SWC-based parser ([#&#8203;5073]( - Rollup will now warn for `@__PURE__` and `@__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__` annotations in invalid locations ([#&#8203;5165]( - The parser is now exposed as a separate export `parseAst` ([#&#8203;5169]( ##### Bug Fixes - Rollup no longer tries to watch virtual files if their name corresponds to an actual file name; instead, plugins handle watching via `this.addWatchFile()` ([#&#8203;5150]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5073]( \[v4.0] Switch parser to SWC and introduce native/WASM code ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5142]( \[v4.0] Set the default of skipSelf to true ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5143]( \[v4.0] Remove deprecated features ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5144]( \[v4.0] Imporve the performance of generating ast and rollup ast nodes ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5147]( \[v4.0] Remove onwarn from normalized input options ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5150]( \[v4.0] feat: Do not watch files anymore if their content is returned by the load hook ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5154]( \[v4.0] Add parse option to allow return outside function ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5155]( \[v4.0] feat: implement hashing content in Rust ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5157]( \[v4.0] Handle empty exports ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5160]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5163]( \[v4.0] feat: preserve shebang in entry module for CJS and ESM outputs ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5164]( \[v4.0] fix: also strip BOM from code strings in JS ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5165]( \[v4.0] warn for invalid annotations ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5168]( \[v4.0] Ensure we support new import attribute "with" syntax ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5169]( \[v4.0] Expose parser ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. 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label 2023-09-07 00:10:47 +00:00
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renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 6335fc3f9b to dde3e0e8fd 2023-09-12 23:09:32 +00:00 Compare
konrad added 1 commit 2023-09-13 09:23:29 +00:00
chore(deps): update lockfile
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konrad added 1 commit 2023-10-10 18:05:05 +00:00
chore(deps): update lockfile
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renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 3aa94388ca to 193c56ee73 2023-10-20 12:09:00 +00:00 Compare

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konrad force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from d19e341700 to 692d7b7f8b 2023-10-20 14:56:05 +00:00 Compare
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