## This chart relies on the common library chart from bjw-s ## You can find it and the values you can provide and modify, at https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/tree/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common ## Here's the link to the values.yaml file: https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/blob/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common/values.yaml ## Refer there for more detail about the supported values. ## Any values that you find in the above `values.yaml` can be provided to this chart and are then rendered. image: tag: 0.21.0 ###################### # VIKUNJA COMPONENTS # ###################### # You can find the default values that this `values.yaml` overrides, in the comment at the top of this file. api: enabled: true image: repository: vikunja/api tag: 0.21.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent persistence: # This is your Vikunja data will live, you can either let # the chart create a new PVC for you or provide an existing one. data: enabled: true # existingClaim: # your-claim accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 10Gi # storageClass: storage-class ingress: main: enabled: true annotations: # proxy-body-size is set to 0 to remove the body limit on file uploads nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0" hosts: - host: vikunja.local paths: - path: "/api/v1" tls: [] configMaps: # The configuration for Vikunja's api. # https://vikunja.io/docs/config-options/ config: enabled: true data: config.yml: | # Vikunja needs to know the frontend URL for password reset emails. # So you might need to provide its value, if you're not using an ingress. # service: # frontendUrl: http://vikunja.local typesense: # Typesense will only work if it is enabled below (typesense.enabled). url: "{{ printf "%s-typesense" .Release.Name }}:8108" apiKey: "{{ .Values.typesense.env.TYPESENSE_API_KEY }}" redis: # Redis will only work if it is enabled below (redis.enabled). host: "{{ printf "%s-redis-master" .Release.Name }}:6379" db: "{{ .Release.Name }}" env: # To utilize a secret in the environment variables, you can do something like the following: https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/blob/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common/values.yaml#L141-L145 # You could also use MySQL or SQLite, but we recommend PostgreSQL. # https://vikunja.io/docs/config-options/#type VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: "postgres" VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: "{{ .Values.postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.username }}" VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: "{{ .Values.postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.password }}" VIKUNJA_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ .Values.postgresql.global.postgresql.auth.database }}" frontend: enabled: true # You can add any of the top-level keys in the common chart's `values.yaml` to override them here. # For example, this values.yaml file overrides the image values, located here: # https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/blob/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common/values.yaml#L63-L69 image: repository: vikunja/frontend tag: 0.21.0 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # You can use either a `service` or an `ingress` to interact with Vikunja's frontend. # `Ingress` is the recommended option, but you can still set the `service` to # `LoadBalancer` or another service type. # https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/blob/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common/values.yaml#L294-L354 service: main: type: ClusterIP # https://github.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/blob/a081de53024d8328d1ae9ff7e4f6bc500b0f3a29/charts/library/common/values.yaml#L393-L436 ingress: main: enabled: true annotations: # proxy-body-size is set to 0 to remove the body limit on file uploads nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: "0" hosts: # This is just an example. You should change this to your own domain. - host: vikunja.local paths: - path: "/" tls: [] # If you've used the "built-in" ingress in the api section, you don't need to specify VIKUNJA_API_URL as an environment variable here. # If you've used something else, you'll need to provide the URL to the API here. # env: # VIKUNJA_API_URL: http://vikunja.local/api ########################## # END VIKUNJA COMPONENTS # ########################## # Optional Dependencies postgresql: enabled: true global: postgresql: auth: username: vikunja database: vikunja password: vikunja redis: enabled: false architecture: standalone auth: enabled: false typesense: enabled: true env: TYPESENSE_DATA_DIR: /data TYPESENSE_API_KEY: typesense persistence: data: # Enabling typesense persistence is recommended to avoid slow reindexing enabled: true accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 1Gi # storageClass: storage-class image: repository: docker.io/typesense/typesense tag: 0.25.1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent