--- title: "What's new in Vikunja 0.22.0" date: 2023-12-19T16:24:51+01:00 draft: false ---
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There has been a }}" class="!underline">new release with additional fixes and improvements. Updating is highly encouraged.
I'm proud to announce Vikunja 0.22.0! This release contains 415 changes in the frontend and 241 in the api. Most changes are improvements and fixes with one breaking change. ## Getting the new version As usual, just grab a new release from the [downloads page](https://dl.vikunja.io) or pull the latest docker container. ## New to Vikunja? Vikunja is the open-source, self-hostable to-do app. It lets you organize all kinds of things, from your shopping list to a multi-month project with multiple team members. Different ways to view, filter and share your tasks make this a breeze. Check out [the features page](https://vikunja.io/features) to learn more about all of its features. ## Highlights Among plenty of bug fixes and little improvements, this release is all about integrations with third-party tools. ### API Tokens It is now possible to create scoped API tokens in lieu of login credentials. This really enables creating integrations with other tools where before, it wasn't really possible to use the api in other places than the UI as it always required login. ### Webhooks Going in a similar direction as API Tokens, Vikunja now supports webhooks, allowing you to notify other services of changes in a project or task. Each webhook belongs to one project and will be fired for the events you specified. Check it out in the project settings! ### n8n Speaking of integrations, there is now a [n8n](https://n8n.io) community node for Vikunja, making integrations with a whole bunch of other tools easily possible. It supports webhooks as trigger as well as all features the api itself supports. [Check out the docs article](https://vikunja.io/docs/n8n/) for information on how to set it up and use it. ### New editor The editor was completely rebuilt from the ground up, improving performance and reliability. It now has more shortcuts and a better UI. It's now WYSIWYG but still has support for markdown shortcuts to allow for a good balance between power-users and people only used to directly seeing what they typed. ![New Editor](/blog/images/0.22.0-new-editor.png) Many thanks to [@dpschen](https://kolaente.dev/dpschen) for laying the groundwork! ### Improved search with Typesense support To improve Vikunja's search capabilities there now is support for [Typesense](https://typesense.org/) as a search backend. Once configured, Vikunja will index all tasks and projects in Typesense and use it when you search for them, resulting in blazing fast results and fuzzy matching of search queries. [Check out the docs](https://vikunja.io/docs/typesense/) to learn how to set it up. ### Other notable changes * **Metrics:** The prometheus endpoing now returns information about the number of files, attachments and active link shares. * **Subtasks in calDAV:** The [calDAV](https://vikunja.io/docs/caldav/) integration now has support for subtasks. Thanks to [@zewaren](https://kolaente.dev/zewaren) and [@mayanez](https://kolaente.dev/mayanez) for contributing this feature! * **Default bucket:** It is now possible to set the default kanban bucket per project instead of Vikunja always using the leftmost one. * **Changed API endpoint for new tasks (BREAKING):** The API endpoint to create a new task is now `/projects/{id}/tasks` instead of `/projects/{id}`. ## Closing Please tell me what you think of this release, either [in the community forum](https://community.vikunja.io), [Twitter / X](https://twitter.com/vikunja.io) or [email](mailto:hello@vikunja.io).