import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:vikunja_app/models/task.dart'; import 'package:vikunja_app/models/bucket.dart'; import 'package:vikunja_app/utils/calculate_item_position.dart'; import 'package:vikunja_app/global.dart'; import '../components/pagestatus.dart'; class ProjectProvider with ChangeNotifier { bool _taskDragging = false; int _maxPages = 0; // TODO: Streams List _tasks = []; List _buckets = []; bool get taskDragging => _taskDragging; set taskDragging(bool value) { _taskDragging = value; notifyListeners(); } int get maxPages => _maxPages; set tasks(List tasks) { _tasks = tasks; notifyListeners(); } List get tasks => _tasks; set buckets(List buckets) { _buckets = buckets; notifyListeners(); } List get buckets => _buckets; PageStatus _pageStatus = PageStatus.built; PageStatus get pageStatus => _pageStatus; set pageStatus(PageStatus ps) { _pageStatus = ps; print("new PageStatus: ${ps.toString()}"); notifyListeners(); } Future loadTasks( {required BuildContext context, required int listId, int page = 1, bool displayDoneTasks = true}) { _tasks = []; notifyListeners(); Map> queryParams = { "sort_by": ["done", "id"], "order_by": ["asc", "desc"], "page": [page.toString()] }; if (!displayDoneTasks) { queryParams.addAll({ "filter_by": ["done"], "filter_value": ["false"], "sort_by": ["done"], }); } return VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .taskService .getAllByProject(listId, queryParams) .then((response) { if (response == null) { pageStatus = PageStatus.error; return; } if (response.headers["x-pagination-total-pages"] != null) { _maxPages = int.parse(response.headers["x-pagination-total-pages"]!); } _tasks.addAll(response.body); pageStatus = PageStatus.success; }); } Future loadBuckets( {required BuildContext context, required int listId, int page = 1}) { _buckets = []; pageStatus = PageStatus.loading; notifyListeners(); Map> queryParams = { "page": [page.toString()] }; return VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .bucketService .getAllByList(listId, queryParams) .then((response) { if (response == null) { pageStatus = PageStatus.error; return; } if (response.headers["x-pagination-total-pages"] != null) { _maxPages = int.parse(response.headers["x-pagination-total-pages"]!); } _buckets.addAll(response.body); pageStatus = PageStatus.success; }); } Future addTaskByTitle( {required BuildContext context, required String title, required int projectId}) async { final globalState = VikunjaGlobal.of(context); if (globalState.currentUser == null) { return; } final newTask = Task( title: title, createdBy: globalState.currentUser!, done: false, projectId: projectId, ); pageStatus = PageStatus.loading; return globalState.taskService.add(projectId, newTask).then((task) { if (task != null) _tasks.insert(0, task); pageStatus = PageStatus.success; }); } Future addTask( {required BuildContext context, required Task newTask, required int listId}) { var globalState = VikunjaGlobal.of(context); if (newTask.bucketId == null) pageStatus = PageStatus.loading; notifyListeners(); return globalState.taskService.add(listId, newTask).then((task) { if (task == null) { pageStatus = PageStatus.error; return; } if (_tasks.isNotEmpty) _tasks.insert(0, task); if (_buckets.isNotEmpty) { final bucket = _buckets[_buckets.indexWhere((b) => task.bucketId ==]; bucket.tasks.add(task); } pageStatus = PageStatus.success; }); } Future updateTask( {required BuildContext context, required Task task}) { return VikunjaGlobal.of(context).taskService.update(task).then((task) { // FIXME: This is ugly. We should use a redux to not have to do these kind of things. // This is enough for now (it works™) but we should definitely fix it later. if (task == null) return null; _tasks.asMap().forEach((i, t) { if ( == { _tasks[i] = task; } }); _buckets.asMap().forEach((i, b) => b.tasks.asMap().forEach((v, t) { if ( == { _buckets[i].tasks[v] = task; } })); notifyListeners(); return task; }); } Future addBucket( {required BuildContext context, required Bucket newBucket, required int listId}) { notifyListeners(); return VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .bucketService .add(listId, newBucket) .then((bucket) { if (bucket == null) return null; _buckets.add(bucket); notifyListeners(); }); } Future updateBucket( {required BuildContext context, required Bucket bucket}) { return VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .bucketService .update(bucket) .then((rBucket) { if (rBucket == null) return null; _buckets[_buckets.indexWhere((b) => ==] = rBucket; _buckets.sort((a, b) => a.position!.compareTo(b.position!)); notifyListeners(); }); } Future deleteBucket( {required BuildContext context, required int listId, required int bucketId}) { return VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .bucketService .delete(listId, bucketId) .then((_) { _buckets.removeWhere((bucket) => == bucketId); notifyListeners(); }); } Future moveTaskToBucket( {required BuildContext context, required Task? task, int? newBucketId, required int index}) async { if (task == null) throw Exception("Task to be moved may not be null"); final sameBucket = task.bucketId == newBucketId; final newBucketIndex = _buckets.indexWhere((b) => == newBucketId); if (sameBucket && index > _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.indexWhere((t) => == task?.id)) index--; _buckets[_buckets.indexWhere((b) => == task?.bucketId)] .tasks .remove(task); if (index >= _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.length) _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.add(task); else _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.insert(index, task); task = await VikunjaGlobal.of(context).taskService.update(task.copyWith( bucketId: newBucketId, kanbanPosition: calculateItemPosition( positionBefore: index != 0 ? _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[index - 1].kanbanPosition : null, positionAfter: index < _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.length - 1 ? _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[index + 1].kanbanPosition : null, ), )); if (task == null) return; _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[index] = task; // make sure the first 2 tasks don't have 0 kanbanPosition Task? secondTask; if (index == 0 && _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.length > 1 && _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[1].kanbanPosition == 0) { secondTask = await VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .taskService .update(_buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[1].copyWith( kanbanPosition: calculateItemPosition( positionBefore: task.kanbanPosition, positionAfter: 1 < _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks.length - 1 ? _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[2].kanbanPosition : null, ), )); if (secondTask != null) _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[1] = secondTask; } if (_tasks.isNotEmpty) { _tasks[_tasks.indexWhere((t) => == task?.id)] = task; if (secondTask != null) _tasks[_tasks.indexWhere((t) => == secondTask!.id)] = secondTask; } _buckets[newBucketIndex].tasks[_buckets[newBucketIndex] .tasks .indexWhere((t) => == task?.id)] = task; _buckets[newBucketIndex] .tasks .sort((a, b) => a.kanbanPosition!.compareTo(b.kanbanPosition!)); notifyListeners(); } }