kolaente befa6f27bb feat: rename list to project everywhere
fix: project table view

fix: e2e tests

fix: typo in readme

fix: list view route

fix: don't wait until background is loaded for list to show

fix: rename component imports

fix: lint

fix: parse task text

fix: use list card grid

fix: use correct class names

fix: i18n keys

fix: load project

fix: task overview

fix: list view spacing

fix: find project

fix: setLoading when updating a project

fix: loading saved filter

fix: project store loading

fix: color picker import

fix: cypress tests

feat: migrate old list settings

chore: add const for project settings

fix: wrong projecten rename from lists

chore: rename unused variable

fix: editor list

fix: shortcut list class name

fix: pagination list class name

fix: notifications list class name

fix: list view variable name

chore: clarify comment

fix: i18n keys

fix: router imports

fix: comment

chore: remove debugging leftover

fix: remove duplicate variables

fix: change comment

fix: list view variable name

fix: list view css class name

fix: list item property name

fix: name update tasks function correctly

fix: update comment

fix: project create route

fix: list view class names

fix: list view component name

fix: result list class name

fix: animation class list name

fix: change debug log

fix: revert a few navigation changes

fix: use @ for imports of all views

fix: rename link share list class

fix: remove unused css class

fix: dynamically import project components again
2023-03-14 14:04:23 +00:00

298 lines
7.6 KiB

<p class="has-text-weight-bold">
{{ $t('project.share.links.title') }}
class="is-size-7 has-text-grey is-italic ml-3"
{{ $t('project.share.links.what') }}
<div class="sharables-project">
v-if="!(linkShares.length === 0 || showNewForm)"
@click="showNewForm = true"
{{ $t('project.share.links.create') }}
<div class="p-4" v-if="linkShares.length === 0 || showNewForm">
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="linkShareRight">
{{ $t('project.share.right.title') }}
<div class="control">
<div class="select">
<select v-model="selectedRight" id="linkShareRight">
<option :value="RIGHTS.READ">
{{ $t('') }}
<option :value="RIGHTS.READ_WRITE">
{{ $t('project.share.right.readWrite') }}
<option :value="RIGHTS.ADMIN">
{{ $t('project.share.right.admin') }}
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="linkShareName">
{{ $t('') }}
<div class="control">
<div class="field">
<label class="label" for="linkSharePassword">
{{ $t('project.share.links.password') }}
<div class="control">
<x-button @click="add(projectId)" icon="plus">
{{ $t('project.share.share') }}
class="table has-actions is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth"
v-if="linkShares.length > 0"
<th>{{ $t('project.share.links.view') }}</th>
<th>{{ $t('project.share.attributes.delete') }}</th>
<tr :key="" v-for="s in linkShares">
<p class="mb-2 is-italic" v-if=" !== ''">
{{ }}
<p class="mb-2">
<i18n-t keypath="project.share.links.sharedBy" scope="global">
<strong>{{ getDisplayName(s.sharedBy) }}</strong>
<p class="mb-2">
<template v-if="s.right === RIGHTS.ADMIN">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="lock"/>
{{ $t('project.share.right.admin') }}
<template v-else-if="s.right === RIGHTS.READ_WRITE">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="pen"/>
{{ $t('project.share.right.readWrite') }}
<template v-else>
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="users"/>
{{ $t('') }}
<div class="field has-addons no-input-mobile">
<div class="control">
:value="getShareLink(s.hash, selectedView[])"
<div class="control">
@click="copy(getShareLink(s.hash, selectedView[]))"
<span class="icon">
<icon icon="paste"/>
<div class="select">
<select v-model="selectedView[]">
v-for="(title, key) in availableViews"
{{ title }}
<td class="actions">
() => {
linkIdToDelete =
showDeleteModal = true
@close="showDeleteModal = false"
<template #header>
<span>{{ $t('project.share.links.remove') }}</span>
<template #text>
<p>{{ $t('project.share.links.removeText') }}</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, watch, computed, shallowReactive} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {RIGHTS} from '@/constants/rights'
import LinkShareModel from '@/models/linkShare'
import type {ILinkShare} from '@/modelTypes/ILinkShare'
import type {IProject} from '@/modelTypes/IProject'
import LinkShareService from '@/services/linkShare'
import {useCopyToClipboard} from '@/composables/useCopyToClipboard'
import {success} from '@/message'
import {getDisplayName} from '@/models/user'
import type {ProjectView} from '@/types/ProjectView'
import {PROJECT_VIEWS} from '@/types/ProjectView'
import {useConfigStore} from '@/stores/config'
const props = defineProps({
projectId: {
default: 0,
required: true,
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
const linkShares = ref<ILinkShare[]>([])
const linkShareService = shallowReactive(new LinkShareService())
const selectedRight = ref(RIGHTS.READ)
const name = ref('')
const password = ref('')
const showDeleteModal = ref(false)
const linkIdToDelete = ref(0)
const showNewForm = ref(false)
type SelectedViewMapper = Record<IProject['id'], ProjectView>
const selectedView = ref<SelectedViewMapper>({})
const availableViews = computed<Record<ProjectView, string>>(() => ({
list: t('project.list.title'),
gantt: t('project.gantt.title'),
table: t('project.table.title'),
kanban: t('project.kanban.title'),
const copy = useCopyToClipboard()
() => props.projectId,
{immediate: true},
const configStore = useConfigStore()
const frontendUrl = computed(() => configStore.frontendUrl)
async function load(projectId: IProject['id']) {
// If projectId == 0 the project on the calling component wasn't already loaded, so we just bail out here
if (projectId === 0) {
const links = await linkShareService.getAll({projectId})
links.forEach((l: ILinkShare) => {
selectedView.value[] = 'project'
linkShares.value = links
async function add(projectId: IProject['id']) {
const newLinkShare = new LinkShareModel({
right: selectedRight.value,
name: name.value,
password: password.value,
await linkShareService.create(newLinkShare)
selectedRight.value = RIGHTS.READ
name.value = ''
password.value = ''
showNewForm.value = false
success({message: t('project.share.links.createSuccess')})
await load(projectId)
async function remove(projectId: IProject['id']) {
try {
await linkShareService.delete(new LinkShareModel({
id: linkIdToDelete.value,
success({message: t('project.share.links.deleteSuccess')})
await load(projectId)
} finally {
showDeleteModal.value = false
function getShareLink(hash: string, view: ProjectView = PROJECT_VIEWS.LIST) {
return frontendUrl.value + 'share/' + hash + '/auth?view=' + view
<style lang="scss" scoped>
// FIXME: I think this is not needed
.sharables-project:not(.card-content) {
overflow-y: auto