package ast import ( "fmt" "strings" ) // printVisitor implements the Visitor interface to print a AST. type printVisitor struct { buf string depth int original bool inBlock bool } func newPrintVisitor() *printVisitor { return &printVisitor{} } // Print returns a string representation of given AST, that can be used for debugging purpose. func Print(node Node) string { visitor := newPrintVisitor() node.Accept(visitor) return visitor.output() } func (v *printVisitor) output() string { return v.buf } func (v *printVisitor) indent() { for i := 0; i < v.depth; { v.buf += " " i++ } } func (v *printVisitor) str(val string) { v.buf += val } func (v *printVisitor) nl() { v.str("\n") } func (v *printVisitor) line(val string) { v.indent() v.str(val) } // // Visitor interface // // Statements // VisitProgram implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitProgram(node *Program) interface{} { if len(node.BlockParams) > 0 { v.line("BLOCK PARAMS: [ " + strings.Join(node.BlockParams, " ") + " ]") } for _, n := range node.Body { n.Accept(v) } return nil } // VisitMustache implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitMustache(node *MustacheStatement) interface{} { v.indent() v.str("{{ ") node.Expression.Accept(v) v.str(" }}") return nil } // VisitBlock implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitBlock(node *BlockStatement) interface{} { v.inBlock = true v.line("BLOCK:") v.depth++ node.Expression.Accept(v) if node.Program != nil { v.line("PROGRAM:") v.depth++ node.Program.Accept(v) v.depth-- } if node.Inverse != nil { // if node.Program != nil { // v.depth++ // } v.line("{{^}}") v.depth++ node.Inverse.Accept(v) v.depth-- // if node.Program != nil { // v.depth-- // } } v.inBlock = false return nil } // VisitPartial implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitPartial(node *PartialStatement) interface{} { v.indent() v.str("{{> PARTIAL:") v.original = true node.Name.Accept(v) v.original = false if len(node.Params) > 0 { v.str(" ") node.Params[0].Accept(v) } // hash if node.Hash != nil { v.str(" ") node.Hash.Accept(v) } v.str(" }}") return nil } // VisitContent implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitContent(node *ContentStatement) interface{} { v.line("CONTENT[ '" + node.Value + "' ]") return nil } // VisitComment implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitComment(node *CommentStatement) interface{} { v.line("{{! '" + node.Value + "' }}") return nil } // Expressions // VisitExpression implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitExpression(node *Expression) interface{} { if v.inBlock { v.indent() } // path node.Path.Accept(v) // params v.str(" [") for i, n := range node.Params { if i > 0 { v.str(", ") } n.Accept(v) } v.str("]") // hash if node.Hash != nil { v.str(" ") node.Hash.Accept(v) } if v.inBlock { } return nil } // VisitSubExpression implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitSubExpression(node *SubExpression) interface{} { node.Expression.Accept(v) return nil } // VisitPath implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitPath(node *PathExpression) interface{} { if v.original { v.str(node.Original) } else { path := strings.Join(node.Parts, "/") result := "" if node.Data { result += "@" } v.str(result + "PATH:" + path) } return nil } // Literals // VisitString implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitString(node *StringLiteral) interface{} { if v.original { v.str(node.Value) } else { v.str("\"" + node.Value + "\"") } return nil } // VisitBoolean implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitBoolean(node *BooleanLiteral) interface{} { if v.original { v.str(node.Original) } else { v.str(fmt.Sprintf("BOOLEAN{%s}", node.Canonical())) } return nil } // VisitNumber implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitNumber(node *NumberLiteral) interface{} { if v.original { v.str(node.Original) } else { v.str(fmt.Sprintf("NUMBER{%s}", node.Canonical())) } return nil } // Miscellaneous // VisitHash implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitHash(node *Hash) interface{} { v.str("HASH{") for i, p := range node.Pairs { if i > 0 { v.str(", ") } p.Accept(v) } v.str("}") return nil } // VisitHashPair implements corresponding Visitor interface method func (v *printVisitor) VisitHashPair(node *HashPair) interface{} { v.str(node.Key + "=") node.Val.Accept(v) return nil }