# Raymond Changelog ### Raymond 2.0.1 _(June 01, 2016)_ - [BUGFIX] Removes data races [#3](https://github.com/aymerick/raymond/issues/3) - Thanks [@markbates](https://github.com/markbates) ### Raymond 2.0.0 _(May 01, 2016)_ - [BUGFIX] Fixes passing of context in helper options [#2](https://github.com/aymerick/raymond/issues/2) - Thanks [@GhostRussia](https://github.com/GhostRussia) - [BREAKING] Renames and unexports constants: - `handlebars.DUMP_TPL` - `lexer.ESCAPED_ESCAPED_OPEN_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.ESCAPED_OPEN_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.OPEN_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.CLOSE_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.CLOSE_STRIP_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.CLOSE_UNESCAPED_STRIP_MUSTACHE` - `lexer.DUMP_TOKEN_POS` - `lexer.DUMP_ALL_TOKENS_VAL` ### Raymond 1.1.0 _(June 15, 2015)_ - Permits templates references with lowercase versions of struct fields. - Adds `ParseFile()` function. - Adds `RegisterPartialFile()`, `RegisterPartialFiles()` and `Clone()` methods on `Template`. - Helpers can now be struct methods. - Ensures safe concurrent access to helpers and partials. ### Raymond 1.0.0 _(June 09, 2015)_ - This is the first release. Raymond supports almost all handlebars features. See https://github.com/aymerick/raymond#limitations for a list of differences with the javascript implementation.