Use the Webhook plugin to notify services via Webhook when a build completes. You will need to supply Drone with outgoing Webhook URLs. You can override the default configuration with the following parameters: * `urls` - JSON payloads are sent to each URL * `method` - HTTP request method. Defaults to `POST` * `header` - HTTP request header map ## Example The following is a sample configuration in your .drone.yml file: ```yaml notify: webhook: urls: - https://your.webhook/... - https://your.other.webhook/... header: Authorization: pa55word ``` ### Custom Body In some cases you may want to submit a custom payload in the body of your hook. For the use case we expose the following additional parameters: * `template` - Handlebars template to create a custom payload body. See [docs]( * `content_type` - HTTP request content type Example configuration that generate a custom Yaml payload: ```yaml notify: webhook: urls: - https://your.webhook/... - https://your.other.webhook/... content_type: application/yaml template: > repo: {{repo.full_name}} build: {{build.number}} commit: {{build.commit}} ``` ### Basic Authentication > It is important to note that with HTTP Basic Authentication the provided > username and password are not encrypted. In some cases your webhook may need to authenticate with another service. You can set the basic `Authentication` header with a username and password. For these use cases we expose the following additional parameters: * `auth` - Sets the request's `Authorization` header to use HTTP Basic Authentication with the provided username and password below * `username` - The username as a string * `password` - The password as a string Example configuration to include HTTP Basic Authentication: ```yaml notify: webhook: method: POST auth: username: $$USERNAME password: $$PASSWORD urls: - ``` ### Debugging Webhooks > If you have private variables that are encrypted and hidden in `.drone.sec`, > remember that the `debug` flag may print out those sensitive values. Please > use `debug: true` wisely. In some cases complicated webhooks may need debugging to ensure `urls`, `template`, `auth` and more a properly configured. For these use cases we expose the following `debug` parameter: * `debug` - If `true` it will print out each URL request and response information Example configuration to include the `debug` parameter: ```yaml notify: webhook: debug: true method: POST auth: username: $$TOWER_USER password: $$TOWER_PASS urls: - - content_type: application/json template: '{"name": "project.deploy","extra_vars": "{\"env\": \"dev\",\"git_branch\": \"{{ build.branch }}\",\"hipchat_token\": \"$$HIPCHAT_TOKEN\"}"}' ``` Example of a debug print result: ``` [debug] Webhook 1 URL: METHOD: POST HEADERS: map[Content-Type:[application/json] Authorization:[Basic EMfNB3fakB8EMfNB3fakB8==]] REQUEST BODY: {"name": "project.deploy","extra_vars": "{\"env\": \"dev\",\"git_branch\": \"develop\",\"hipchat_token\": \"h1pchatT0k3n\"}"} RESPONSE STATUS: 202 ACCEPTED RESPONSE BODY: {"job": 236} [debug] Webhook 2 URL: METHOD: POST HEADERS: map[Content-Type:[application/json] Authorization:[Basic EMfNB3fakB8EMfNB3fakB8==]] REQUEST BODY: {"name": "project.deploy","extra_vars": "{\"env\": \"dev\",\"git_branch\": \"develop\",\"hipchat_token\": \"h1pchatT0k3n\"}"} RESPONSE STATUS: 202 ACCEPTED RESPONSE BODY: {"job": 406} ```