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2015-11-24 23:55:00 +00:00
package drone
//go:generate mockery -all
//go:generate mv mocks/Client.go mocks/client.go
import (
const (
pathSelf = "%s/api/user"
pathFeed = "%s/api/user/feed"
pathRepos = "%s/api/user/repos"
pathRepo = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s"
pathEncrypt = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/encrypt"
pathBuilds = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds"
pathBuild = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%v"
pathJob = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/%d"
pathLog = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/logs/%d/%d"
pathKey = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/key"
pathNodes = "%s/api/nodes"
pathNode = "%s/api/nodes/%d"
pathUsers = "%s/api/users"
pathUser = "%s/api/users/%s"
type client struct {
client *http.Client
base string // base url
// NewClient returns a client at the specified url.
func NewClient(uri string) Client {
return &client{http.DefaultClient, uri}
// NewClientToken returns a client at the specified url that
// authenticates all outbound requests with the given token.
func NewClientToken(uri, token string) Client {
config := new(oauth2.Config)
auther := config.Client(oauth2.NoContext, &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token})
return &client{auther, uri}
// SetClient sets the default http client. This should be
// used in conjunction with golang.org/x/oauth2 to
// authenticate requests to the Drone server.
func (c *client) SetClient(client *http.Client) {
c.client = client
// Self returns the currently authenticated user.
func (c *client) Self() (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSelf, c.base)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// User returns a user by login.
func (c *client) User(login string) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.base, login)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// UserList returns a list of all registered users.
func (c *client) UserList() ([]*User, error) {
out := make([]*User, 0)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.base)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// UserPost creates a new user account.
func (c *client) UserPost(in *User) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.base)
err := c.post(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// UserPatch updates a user account.
func (c *client) UserPatch(in *User) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.base, in.Login)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// UserDel deletes a user account.
func (c *client) UserDel(login string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.base, login)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// UserFeed returns the user's activity feed.
func (c *client) UserFeed() ([]*Activity, error) {
out := make([]*Activity, 0)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathFeed, c.base)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// Repo returns a repository by name.
func (c *client) Repo(owner string, name string) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.base, owner, name)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// RepoList returns a list of all repositories to which
// the user has explicit access in the host system.
func (c *client) RepoList() ([]*Repo, error) {
out := make([]*Repo, 0)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepos, c.base)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// RepoPost activates a repository.
func (c *client) RepoPost(owner string, name string) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.base, owner, name)
err := c.post(uri, nil, out)
return out, err
// RepoPatch updates a repository.
func (c *client) RepoPatch(in *Repo) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.base, in.Owner, in.Name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// RepoDel deletes a repository.
func (c *client) RepoDel(owner, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.base, owner, name)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// RepoKey returns a repository public key.
func (c *client) RepoKey(owner, name string) (*Key, error) {
out := new(Key)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathKey, c.base, owner, name)
rc, err := c.stream(uri, "GET", nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rc.Close()
raw, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
out.Public = string(raw)
return out, err
// Build returns a repository build by number.
func (c *client) Build(owner, name string, num int) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.base, owner, name, num)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// Build returns the latest repository build by branch.
func (c *client) BuildLast(owner, name, branch string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.base, owner, name, "latest")
if len(branch) != 0 {
uri += "?branch=" + branch
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// BuildList returns a list of recent builds for the
// the specified repository.
func (c *client) BuildList(owner, name string) ([]*Build, error) {
out := make([]*Build, 0)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuilds, c.base, owner, name)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// BuildStart re-starts a stopped build.
func (c *client) BuildStart(owner, name string, num int) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.base, owner, name, num)
err := c.post(uri, nil, out)
return out, err
// BuildStop cancels the running job.
func (c *client) BuildStop(owner, name string, num, job int) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathJob, c.base, owner, name, num, job)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// BuildFork re-starts a stopped build with a new build number,
// preserving the prior history.
func (c *client) BuildFork(owner, name string, num int) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild+"?fork=true", c.base, owner, name, num)
err := c.post(uri, nil, out)
return out, err
// BuildLogs returns the build logs for the specified job.
func (c *client) BuildLogs(owner, name string, num, job int) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLog, c.base, owner, name, num, job)
return c.stream(uri, "GET", nil, nil)
// Node returns a node by id.
func (c *client) Node(id int64) (*Node, error) {
out := new(Node)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNode, c.base, id)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// NodeList returns a list of all registered worker nodes.
func (c *client) NodeList() ([]*Node, error) {
out := make([]*Node, 0)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNodes, c.base)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// NodePost registers a new worker node.
func (c *client) NodePost(in *Node) (*Node, error) {
out := new(Node)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNodes, c.base)
err := c.post(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// NodeDel deletes a worker node.
func (c *client) NodeDel(id int64) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNode, c.base, id)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// http request helper functions
// helper function for making an http GET request.
func (c *client) get(rawurl string, out interface{}) error {
return c.do(rawurl, "GET", nil, out)
// helper function for making an http POST request.
func (c *client) post(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error {
return c.do(rawurl, "POST", in, out)
// helper function for making an http PUT request.
func (c *client) put(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error {
return c.do(rawurl, "PUT", in, out)
// helper function for making an http PATCH request.
func (c *client) patch(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error {
return c.do(rawurl, "PATCH", in, out)
// helper function for making an http DELETE request.
func (c *client) delete(rawurl string) error {
return c.do(rawurl, "DELETE", nil, nil)
// helper function to make an http request
func (c *client) do(rawurl, method string, in, out interface{}) error {
// executes the http request and returns the body as
// and io.ReadCloser
body, err := c.stream(rawurl, method, in, out)
if err != nil {
return err
defer body.Close()
// if a json response is expected, parse and return
// the json response.
if out != nil {
return json.NewDecoder(body).Decode(out)
return nil
// helper function to stream an http request
func (c *client) stream(rawurl, method string, in, out interface{}) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
uri, err := url.Parse(rawurl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if we are posting or putting data, we need to
// write it to the body of the request.
var buf io.ReadWriter
if in != nil {
buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
err := json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// creates a new http request to bitbucket.
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri.String(), buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if in != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode > http.StatusPartialContent {
defer resp.Body.Close()
out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return nil, fmt.Errorf(string(out))
return resp.Body, nil