kolaente befa6f27bb feat: rename list to project everywhere
fix: project table view

fix: e2e tests

fix: typo in readme

fix: list view route

fix: don't wait until background is loaded for list to show

fix: rename component imports

fix: lint

fix: parse task text

fix: use list card grid

fix: use correct class names

fix: i18n keys

fix: load project

fix: task overview

fix: list view spacing

fix: find project

fix: setLoading when updating a project

fix: loading saved filter

fix: project store loading

fix: color picker import

fix: cypress tests

feat: migrate old list settings

chore: add const for project settings

fix: wrong projecten rename from lists

chore: rename unused variable

fix: editor list

fix: shortcut list class name

fix: pagination list class name

fix: notifications list class name

fix: list view variable name

chore: clarify comment

fix: i18n keys

fix: router imports

fix: comment

chore: remove debugging leftover

fix: remove duplicate variables

fix: change comment

fix: list view variable name

fix: list view css class name

fix: list item property name

fix: name update tasks function correctly

fix: update comment

fix: project create route

fix: list view class names

fix: list view component name

fix: result list class name

fix: animation class list name

fix: change debug log

fix: revert a few navigation changes

fix: use @ for imports of all views

fix: rename link share list class

fix: remove unused css class

fix: dynamically import project components again
2023-03-14 14:04:23 +00:00

169 lines
4.2 KiB

v-if="type === 'button'"
{{ buttonText }}
v-else-if="type === 'dropdown'"
{{ buttonText }}
:class="{'is-disabled': disabled}"
<span class="icon">
<icon :icon="iconName"/>
{{ buttonText }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {computed, shallowRef, type PropType} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
import DropdownItem from '@/components/misc/dropdown-item.vue'
import SubscriptionService from '@/services/subscription'
import SubscriptionModel from '@/models/subscription'
import type {ISubscription} from '@/modelTypes/ISubscription'
import {success} from '@/message'
import type { IconProp } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
const props = defineProps({
entity: String,
entityId: Number,
isButton: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
modelValue: {
type: Object as PropType<ISubscription>,
default: null,
type: {
type: String as PropType<'button' | 'dropdown' | 'null'>,
default: 'button',
const subscriptionEntity = computed<string | null>(() => props.modelValue?.entity ?? null)
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const subscriptionService = shallowRef(new SubscriptionService())
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
const tooltipText = computed(() => {
if (disabled.value) {
if (props.entity === 'project' && subscriptionEntity.value === 'namespace') {
return t('task.subscription.subscribedProjectThroughParentNamespace')
if (props.entity === 'task' && subscriptionEntity.value === 'namespace') {
return t('task.subscription.subscribedTaskThroughParentNamespace')
if (props.entity === 'task' && subscriptionEntity.value === 'project') {
return t('task.subscription.subscribedTaskThroughParentProject')
return ''
switch (props.entity) {
case 'namespace':
return props.modelValue !== null ?
t('task.subscription.subscribedNamespace') :
case 'project':
return props.modelValue !== null ?
t('task.subscription.subscribedProject') :
case 'task':
return props.modelValue !== null ?
t('task.subscription.subscribedTask') :
return ''
const buttonText = computed(() => props.modelValue ? t('task.subscription.unsubscribe') : t('task.subscription.subscribe'))
const iconName = computed<IconProp>(() => props.modelValue ? ['far', 'bell-slash'] : 'bell')
const disabled = computed(() => props.modelValue && subscriptionEntity.value !== props.entity)
function changeSubscription() {
if (disabled.value) {
if (props.modelValue === null) {
} else {
async function subscribe() {
const subscription = new SubscriptionModel({
entity: props.entity,
entityId: props.entityId,
await subscriptionService.value.create(subscription)
emit('update:modelValue', subscription)
let message = ''
switch (props.entity) {
case 'namespace':
message = t('task.subscription.subscribeSuccessNamespace')
case 'project':
message = t('task.subscription.subscribeSuccessProject')
case 'task':
message = t('task.subscription.subscribeSuccessTask')
async function unsubscribe() {
const subscription = new SubscriptionModel({
entity: props.entity,
entityId: props.entityId,
await subscriptionService.value.delete(subscription)
emit('update:modelValue', null)
let message = ''
switch (props.entity) {
case 'namespace':
message = t('task.subscription.unsubscribeSuccessNamespace')
case 'project':
message = t('task.subscription.unsubscribeSuccessProject')
case 'task':
message = t('task.subscription.unsubscribeSuccessTask')