forked from vikunja/frontend
kolaente befa6f27bb feat: rename list to project everywhere
fix: project table view

fix: e2e tests

fix: typo in readme

fix: list view route

fix: don't wait until background is loaded for list to show

fix: rename component imports

fix: lint

fix: parse task text

fix: use list card grid

fix: use correct class names

fix: i18n keys

fix: load project

fix: task overview

fix: list view spacing

fix: find project

fix: setLoading when updating a project

fix: loading saved filter

fix: project store loading

fix: color picker import

fix: cypress tests

feat: migrate old list settings

chore: add const for project settings

fix: wrong projecten rename from lists

chore: rename unused variable

fix: editor list

fix: shortcut list class name

fix: pagination list class name

fix: notifications list class name

fix: list view variable name

chore: clarify comment

fix: i18n keys

fix: router imports

fix: comment

chore: remove debugging leftover

fix: remove duplicate variables

fix: change comment

fix: list view variable name

fix: list view css class name

fix: list item property name

fix: name update tasks function correctly

fix: update comment

fix: project create route

fix: list view class names

fix: list view component name

fix: result list class name

fix: animation class list name

fix: change debug log

fix: revert a few navigation changes

fix: use @ for imports of all views

fix: rename link share list class

fix: remove unused css class

fix: dynamically import project components again
2023-03-14 14:04:23 +00:00

251 lines
6.4 KiB

<div class="task-add" ref="taskAdd">
<div class="add-task__field field is-grouped">
<p class="control has-icons-left is-expanded">
class="add-task-textarea input"
:class="{'textarea-empty': newTaskTitle === ''}"
<span class="icon is-small is-left">
<icon icon="tasks"/>
<p class="control">
:disabled="newTaskTitle === '' || loading || undefined"
<span class="button-text">
{{ $t('project.list.add') }}
<Expandable :open="errorMessage !== '' || taskAddFocused || taskAddHovered && debouncedTaskAddHovered">
<p class="pt-3 mt-0 help is-danger" v-if="errorMessage !== ''">
{{ errorMessage }}
<quick-add-magic v-else class="quick-add-magic" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, ref} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {refDebounced, useElementHover, useFocusWithin} from '@vueuse/core'
import {RELATION_KIND} from '@/types/IRelationKind'
import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import Expandable from '@/components/base/Expandable.vue'
import QuickAddMagic from '@/components/tasks/partials/quick-add-magic.vue'
import {parseSubtasksViaIndention} from '@/helpers/parseSubtasksViaIndention'
import TaskRelationService from '@/services/taskRelation'
import TaskRelationModel from '@/models/taskRelation'
import {getLabelsFromPrefix} from '@/modules/parseTaskText'
import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth'
import {useTaskStore} from '@/stores/tasks'
import {useAutoHeightTextarea} from '@/composables/useAutoHeightTextarea'
const props = defineProps({
defaultPosition: {
type: Number,
required: false,
const emit = defineEmits(['taskAdded'])
const newTaskTitle = ref('')
const newTaskInput = useAutoHeightTextarea(newTaskTitle)
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
const authStore = useAuthStore()
const taskStore = useTaskStore()
const taskAdd = ref<HTMLTextAreaElement | null>(null)
// enable only if we don't have a modal
// onStartTyping(() => {
// if (newTaskInput.value === null || document.activeElement === newTaskInput.value) {
// return
// }
// newTaskInput.value.focus()
// })
const { focused: taskAddFocused } = useFocusWithin(taskAdd)
const taskAddHovered = useElementHover(taskAdd)
const debouncedTaskAddHovered = refDebounced(taskAddHovered, 500)
const errorMessage = ref('')
function resetEmptyTitleError(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (
(e.which <= 90 && e.which >= 48 || e.which >= 96 && e.which <= 105)
&& newTaskTitle.value !== ''
) {
errorMessage.value = ''
const loading = computed(() => taskStore.isLoading)
async function addTask() {
if (newTaskTitle.value === '') {
errorMessage.value = t('project.create.addTitleRequired')
errorMessage.value = ''
if (loading.value) {
const taskTitleBackup = newTaskTitle.value
// This allows us to find the tasks with the title they had before being parsed
// by quick add magic.
const createdTasks: { [key: ITask['title']]: ITask } = {}
const tasksToCreate = parseSubtasksViaIndention(newTaskTitle.value)
// We ensure all labels exist prior to passing them down to the create task method
// In the store it will only ever see one task at a time so there's no way to reliably
// check if a new label was created before (because everything happens async).
const allLabels = tasksToCreate.map(({title}) => getLabelsFromPrefix(title) ?? [])
await taskStore.ensureLabelsExist(allLabels.flat())
const newTasks = tasksToCreate.map(async ({title, project}) => {
if (title === '') {
// If the task has a project specified, make sure to use it
let projectId = null
if (project !== null) {
projectId = await taskStore.findProjectId({project, projectId: 0})
const task = await taskStore.createNewTask({
projectId: projectId || authStore.settings.defaultProjectId,
position: props.defaultPosition,
createdTasks[title] = task
return task
try {
newTaskTitle.value = ''
await Promise.all(newTasks)
const taskRelationService = new TaskRelationService()
const relations = tasksToCreate.map(async t => {
const createdTask = createdTasks[t.title]
if (typeof createdTask === 'undefined') {
if (t.parent === null) {
emit('taskAdded', createdTask)
const createdParentTask = createdTasks[t.parent]
if (typeof createdTask === 'undefined' || typeof createdParentTask === 'undefined') {
const rel = await taskRelationService.create(new TaskRelationModel({
taskId: createdTask.id,
otherTaskId: createdParentTask.id,
createdTask.relatedTasks[RELATION_KIND.PARENTTASK] = [createdParentTask]
// we're only emitting here so that the relation shows up in the project
emit('taskAdded', createdTask)
return rel
await Promise.all(relations)
} catch (e: any) {
newTaskTitle.value = taskTitleBackup
if (e?.message === 'NO_PROJECT') {
errorMessage.value = t('project.create.addProjectRequired')
throw e
function handleEnter(e: KeyboardEvent) {
// when pressing shift + enter we want to continue as we normally would. Otherwise, we want to create
// the new task(s). The vue event modifier don't allow this, hence this method.
if (e.shiftKey) {
function focusTaskInput() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
// overwrite bulma styles
.task-add .add-task__field {
margin-bottom: 0;
.add-task-button {
height: 100% !important;
@media screen and (max-width: $mobile) {
.button-text {
display: none;
:deep(.icon) {
margin: 0 !important;
.add-task-textarea {
transition: border-color $transition;
resize: none;
// Adding this class when the textarea has no text prevents the textarea from wrapping the placeholder.
.textarea-empty {
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.quick-add-magic {
padding-top: 0.75rem;